There are a number of events scheduled for the coming months by our partner organisations as well as our own joint conference to be held in Glasgow in June.
DVV International has been working with local partners to promote lifelong learning and strengthen adult learning and education (ALE) in Ukraine for over twelve years. We would therefore like to provide an insight into the work that our colleagues and civil society partners have done in recent years.
The Australian Association of Gerontology calls now for abstracts towards the 22-25 November 2022 Conference, Adelaide, South Australia. Those committed to ageing: researchers, educators, aged care and health practitioners, policy makers, students, consumer advocates and other experts are sought to share their understandings.
We are pleased to invite you to an event onThursday, 31 March,the first in a series of three webinars in which the 19 projects that we funded will report on their work. In each of these webinars, our CDAF projects from Africa, Asia and Latin America will make short presentations of their work, followed by input by a respondent, and questions from those who attend.
Stakeholders from across the globe will come together from 15 to 17 June 2022 for the Seventh International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VII), hosted by UNESCO in cooperation with the Government of Morocco.
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