Access to Higher Education: Meeting the Global Challenge

Sunway University
Bandar Sunway
Selangor 47500
Monday, 5 October, 2015 - 00:00 to Thursday, 8 October, 2015 - 00:00

Registration and call for submissions for the 2015 GAPS Conference 'Access to Higher Education: Meeting the Global Challenge' is now open.

This event will bring together over 300 leaders, researchers, practitioners and activists from across the world to work together to build a new coalition for greater equity in higher education.

The event will be from the 5 - 8 October 2015 hosted by Sunway University in Kuala Lumpur. We have 5 key issues we are looking to address at this event:

  1. Making access matter: Who are the marginalised in post-secondary education? How can we make their futures matter to those in power in Asia, the South Pacific and globally?
  2. Combining excellence and equity: Is access to post-secondary education defined in Euro/western centric ways? What does excellence and equity mean in Asia and the South Pacific?
  3. Extending capacity affordably: How can you expand both old and new systems without creating barriers in participation?
  4. Nurturing innovation in access: What are the new answers to the old questions such as: how to change university cultures? How to reach out to young people and communities?
  5. Engaging Business and Civil Society: What is the role of employers and NGOs in extending access to post-secondary education? What are they doing now? What added contributions can they make?

Early bird registration opportunities are available now.

Key note speakers confirmed so far include:

  • Tan Sri Jeffrey Cheah, Founder Sunway Education Group, Malaysia
  • Juoko Sarvi, Senior Practice Leader in Education, Asian Development Bank
  • Professor Graeme Wilkinson, Vice-Chancellor of Sunway University
  • Gwang Jo Kim, Director, UNESCO, Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau for Education

Call for submissions 

We are seeking contributions in a number of forms including papers, posters, workshops and spotlight sessions. They may relate to the conference themes outlined above or the broader challenges associated with access to post-secondary education. The first call for contributions closes on the 31 January 2015.

Become a GAPS Ambassador

We are constructing a global network of professionals to shape the GAPS Initiative. GAPS ambassadors will represent the initiative in countries across the world and be the basis for their growth. Ambassadors will also benefit from a 20% reduction in the registration fee for GAPS 2015 in Kuala Lumpur.

To express an interest in becoming an ambassador please visit the GAPS website. The deadline for the first round of expressions of interest is the 31st January. 

I look forward to working with you on the success of the GAPS Initiative and welcoming you to GAPS 2015 in Kuala Lumpur.

Best wishes
Dr Graeme Atherton
Chair, Global Access to Post-Secondary Education (GAPS) Initiative
LONDON HIGHER, Tavistock House, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9JB
T 020 7391 0687 |M 07824 412702|F 020 7391 0680
[email protected] | W |  @gapseducation

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Discussion topics: 

CR&DALL Themes: 
