ALADIN Online Alert 13


The ALADIN Online Alert is a joint ALADIN initiative, produced bimonthly by the UIL Library and CDÉACF, with input from additional ALADIN members from all over the world. Its goal is to share recent online and full-text information and documents in the area of adult and lifelong learning.

To propose items for upcoming alerts, please contact the ALADIN coordinator Lisa Krolak. To view older ALADIN Online Alerts, please visit the ALADIN news site.

The ALADIN Online Alert is a joint ALADIN initiative, produced bimonthly by the UIL Library and CDÉACF, with input from additional ALADIN members from all over the world. Its goal is to share recent online and full-text information and documents in the area of adult and lifelong learning.

To propose items for upcoming alerts, please contact the ALADIN coordinator Lisa Krolak. To view older ALADIN Online Alerts, please visit the ALADIN news site.





Adult Learning


Education, Labour Market Experience and Cognitive Skills / Jimeno, Juan Francisco; Lacuesta, Aitor; Martínez-Matute, Marta; Villanueva, Ernesto
Source: OECD, October 26, 2016

Marketization and commodification of adult education
Source: RELA, vol. 7, no 2, October 12, 2016
Participation in massive open online courses: the effect of learner motivation and engagement on achievement / Semenova, Tatiana
Source: National Research University Higher School of Economics, 2016

Third Global Report on Adult Learning and Education: National Reports
Source: UIL, November 2016


2nd African Ministerial Forum on ICT Integration in Education and Training
Source: Association pour le développement de l'éducation en Afrique (ADEA), October 28, 2016
Lang: FRA, ENG
État des lieux de la recherche sur les formations ouvertes et à distance en Afrique subsaharienne francophone / Emmanuel, Béché
Source: Distances et médiations des savoirs, no 14, June 15, 2016

Europe and North America

Arkansas Career Pathways Initiative: How TANF can support skills for low-income parents, and how policymakers can help
DeRenzis, Brooke; Kaleba, Kermit
Source: National Skills Coalition, October 2016

Digital Readiness Gaps / John B., Horrigan
Source: Pew Research Center, September 20, 2016

Encouragement de la formation continue dans le canton de Berne de 2007 à 2013 : rapport d’ évaluation / Karin Weber
Source: EAEA, September 2016

English Language Proficiency Standards for Adult Education
Source: American Institute for Research, October 2016
Highlights from the U.S. PIAAC Survey of Incarcerated Adults: Their Skills, Work Experience, Education, and Training
Rampey, Bobby D.; Keiper, Shelley
Source: National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), November 2016

Live & Learn - Stories of adult learning
Source: Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training (ERVET), September 12, 2016

Theme Issue: Education and Gender
Source: Elm, October 20, 2016

Redesigning State Financial Aid to Better Serve Nontraditional Adult Students: Pratical Policy Staeps for Decision Makers
Taliaferro, Wayne; Duke-Benfield, Ellen
Source: Center for Postsecondary and Economic Success, September 2016

Adult Literacy


Ageing and Literacy Skills: Evidence from IALS, ALL And PIAAC / Barrett, Garry; Riddell, W. Craig
Source: OECD, October 26, 2016

Contributions of Paulo Freire for a Critical Data Literacy: a Popular Education Approach / Tygel, Alan Freihof; Kirsch, Rosana
Source: Journal of Community Informatics, vol. 12, no 3, October 22, 2016

Cross-Journal Virtual Issue: Literacy Across the Disciplines
Source: International Literacy Association (ILA), October 2016

Girls' and women's literacy with a lifelong learning perspective: issues, trends and implications for the Sustainable Development Goals / Wetheridge, Louise
Source: UNESCO, May 2016
Global Conference on Literacy, Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of International Literacy Day: A concise report
Source: UNESCO, October 2016

Literacy and Numeracy Proficiency in IALS, ALL and PIAAC / Paccagnella, Marco
Source: OECD, October 4, 2016

Literacy as supply and demand / Mallows, David; Litster, Jennifer
Source: Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung - Report, Vol. 39, no 2, September 2016 ​

Literacy level I and below versus literacy level IV and above: International results regarding participation in adult education
Grotlüschen, Anke
Source: Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung - Report, Vol. 39, no 2, September 2016


Exploring Adult Literacy and Numeracy Practices: Ethnographic Case Studies From Uganda / Openjuru, George; Baker, Dave; Rogers, Alan; Street
Source: Uppingham Press, October 2016

L’alphabétisation au Niger : une analyse à partir des données du recensement de 2012 
Ousmane Ida, Ibrahima
Source: Québec: Observatoire démographique et statistique de l'espace francophone (ODSEF), April 2016​
Pourquoi la RAMAA est importante pour le secteur de l'alphabétisation : témoignages des pays
Source: UIL, November 2016

Arab States

The Effects of police literacy training in Afghanistan
Source: UNESCO, September 2016

Asia and the Pacific

Reading and Literacy for All: Adult Literacy: Victorian Public Libraries in Action
Source: State Library Victoria, 2016

Lifelong Learning


Communicating the library as a learning environment / Nitecki, Danuta A.; Simpson, Katherine
Source: Journal of Learning Spaces, vol. 5, no 2, October 27, 2016
Lang: ENG

Learning for All: guidelines on the inclusion of learners with disabilities in open and distance learning
Source: UNESCO, 2016


Possibilities of a Community Centred Pedagogy: A Snapshot of a Reading Project in Cape Town / Ismail, Salma
Source: Concept, vol. 7, no 3, December 2016

Arab States

International Expert Meeting on the Recognition of Non-Formal Education: Concepts, Mechanisms, Tracks, Good Practices Towards Building a National Framework for the Recognition of Non-Formal Education: Final Report
Source: UNESCO Beirut, 2016
Lang: ARA ​

Asia and the Pacific

ASEM desktop study on the role higher education can play in sustainable development through the development of lifelong learning skills / Brorup Dyssegaard, Camille; Egelund, Niels; Bondebjerg, Anja; Bjornoy Sommersel, Hanna
Source: ASEM Education and Research Hub for Lifelong Learning (ASEM LLL HUB), November 29, 2016

Community-based Lifelong Learning and Adult Education: Situations of Community Learning Centres in 7 Asian Countries
Romee, Lee; Jinhee, Kim
Source: UNESCO Bangkok, November 2016
Every Day You Learn Something: Learning for Life? Neighbourhood Houses, Adult Learning and Transitions to Higher Education / Ollis, Tracey; Starr, Karen; Ryan, Cheryl; Angwin, Jennifer; Harrison, Ursula
Source: Barwon Network of Neighbourhood Centres, November 28, 2016

MTB MLE Resource Kit: Including the Excluded: Promoting Multilingual Education / Malone, Susan
Source: UNESCO Bangkok, 2016 ​

Europe and North America

A Place for Learning: Putting Learning at the Heart of Citizenship, Civic Identity and Community Life / Breslin, Tony
Source: Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA), October 4, 2016

AVA Action plan / Gina Ebner, Susana Oliveira
Source: On the Move Project, September 2016

Education and Training Monitor 2016
Source: European Commission, November 2016

European Best Practice in Outreach Educational Counselling and Low-Threshold Learning Opportunities for Disadvantaged Learners : Handbook
Source: Elm, September 2016
La formation continue universitaire forme toujours plus de salariés
Source: Direction de l'évaluation, de la prospective et de la performance (DEPP), Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, October 2016

Language for Resilience: the role of language in enhancing the resilience of syrian refugees and host communities / Capstick, Tony; Delaney, Marie
Source: British Council, 2016

The linguistic integration of adult migrants: lessons from research = L’intégration linguistique des migrants adultes : les enseignements de la recherche
Source: Language Policy Unit, Council of Europe, March 2016 ​

Latin America

Estudio sobre diseño de sistemas de reconocimiento de aprendizajes no formales e informales en Argentina
Source: Fundaci ón U OCRA, 2016
Jóvenes participando en la educación comunitaria: Testimonios de empoderamiento desde América Latina Messina, Graciela; Segura, Ariadna; Cotera, Raúl Valdés
Source: UIL, 2016

Technical and Vocational Education
and Training


Occupation-specific social competences in vocational education and training (VET): the example of a technology-based assessment
Moana Monnier, Tanja Tschöpe, Christian Srbeny, Agnes Dietzen
Source: ETUC, September 16, 2016

The Cost and Benefits of Work-based Learning / Mühlemann, Samuel
Source: OECD, October 20, 2016​
Understanding the potential impact of skills recognition systems on labour markets
Braňka, Jiří
Source: International Labour Organization, October 10, 2016

Vocational vs. General Education and Employment over the Life-Cycle: New Evidence from PIAAC / Hampf, Franziska; Woessmann, Ludger
Source: Centre for Vocational Research, November 2016​


Fostering Skills in Cameroon: Inclusive Workforce Development, Competitiveness, and Growth / Sosale, Shobhana; Majgaard, Kirsten
Source: World Bank, May 1, 2016​

Arab States

Time Series Analysis & Choices for General and Vocational Education in Arab Economies / Harkat, Tahar; Driouchi, Ahmed; Achehboune, Amale
Source: Institute of Economic Analysis & Prospective Studies (IEAPS). Al Akhawayn University, October 27, 2016​

Asia and the Pacific

National Qualifications Frameworks (NQF) in Central Asia – A stocktaking report
Dondi, Claudio
Source: Central Asia Education Platform, September 2016 ​
Costs and Benefits of Education and Training for the Economy, Business and Individuals / Griffin, Tabatha
Source: National Centre for Vocational Education Research, July 27, 2016

Europe and North America

A European Quality Framework for Apprenticeships
Source: Cedefop, September 22, 2016
ECVET in Europe : Monitoring Report 2015
Source: Cedefop, September 30, 2016

Latin America and the Caribbean

Apprenticeships for the XXI century: A model for Latin America and the Caribbean?
Fazio, Maria Victoria; Fernandez-Coto, Raquel; Ripani, Laura
Source: Inter-American Development Bank, 2016
Lang: ENG, SPA ​
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For recent online information on curriculum development, education systems and educational trends worldwide, please consult the IBE Online Alert.
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