Book Launch - Higher Education in the World 5 - Knowledge, Engagement & Higher Education: Contributing to Social Change

University of Glasgow
Wolfson Building
University Avenue
United Kingdom
Tuesday, 22 April, 2014 - 16:00

An important publication as part of the GUNi Series on the Social Commitment of Universities, this Palgrave Global University Network for Innovation publication is launched by an eminent group of speakers in a seminar chaired by Professor John Briggs, Vice-Principal (Senate Office), University of Glasgow. Refreshments, discount flyers and an inspection copy will be available at the meeting. All welcome. No fee but prior registration required.

Speakers are Professors Budd Hall (University of Victoria) and Mike Osborne (University of Glasgow) - both contributors to the volume (Professor Hall is also Joint Guest Editor) - and they will be in discussion with Professors Darlene Clover (University of Victoria) and Barbara Kehm (University of Glasgow) on matters of significance arising from the publication.

A full background to the event is included in the attached flyer. The GUNi press release and a list of GUNi launch events are also attached.

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Discussion topics: 
