This special issue arises from the urgency expressed by many adult educator practitioners and theorists for the need to draw attention to the numerous sites of community activism, learning and social change that are currently taking place across the globe.
While the relentless push of neoliberalism has struck at the heart of adult education provision in many countries, including that provided by universities, institutions of further education, international development agencies, NGOs, vocational training centres and the local government sector, what can adult educators learn and what is being learnt when we turn to sites of community activism? For example, Tett and Hamilton (2019, p. 253), drawing on Williams (1989) ‘resources of hope’, point to the importance of ‘… persisting with what may seem like mundane, everyday, acts of resistance that are based on seeing and seizing opportunities to do and say things differently’.
The purpose of this special edition is to provide a forum for adult educator practitioners and theorists to share community activist practices from around the world and provide insight into the ways these have contributed to social change and political transformation. This may take the form of empirical research, theoretical interventions and stories of social change from those participating in these changes. To promote a range of texts and voices, we accept proposals in the two following categories:
1.A 500-word abstract that describes your proposed journal article. The selected articles will be double-blind peer reviewed, and, if accepted, will be published as part of the special issue of Studies in the Education of Adults.
2.Proposals for short thought pieces, blog posts, zines, short videos, podcasts, and photographs to be published as part of our online and open access special issue on the journal’s official blog. Please note that these submissions will not be peer-reviewed. Studies in the Education of Adults’ blog will be launched in August 2021.
Special issue on lived experience, learning, community activism and social change
Abstract Deadline: 4th January 2021
Co-editors: Sharon Clancy, Kerry Harman and Iain Jones
Submission information
If you are interested in contributing to the Special Issue, please provide either a 500-word abstract (no more than this) if submitting an article, or a short proposal (1-2 paragraphs) describing your alternative submission by 4th January 2021 to Iain Jones
You will be notified no later than 31st January 2021 of acceptance. If you are submitting a paper and your abstract is accepted, the full article will need to be submitted by August 31st, 2021 for external peer review. Articles will be limited to between 6000 and 8000 words in length and need to be submitted to the Editorial Manager site for the journal.
Please note that although your abstract may be selected and you prepare a paper, we cannot guarantee acceptance by peer reviewers. Papers will be double-blind peer-reviewed.
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