Call for Papers - UALL 2019 Conference: Lifelong Learning and Innovation


As we wind down to Christmas don’t forget that as a break from the marking, the Christmas shopping and prepping that Turkey you can still submit to present at our 2019 Annual Conference Lifelong Learning and Innovation to take place at University of Wolverhampton, Telford Innovation Campus, 10 – 12 April 2019.

Submissions for papers and workshops is still open for the 2019 UALL Annual Conference.

Final deadline is 11th January 2019

As you know the conference will focus on three themes:

  • Learning and Place
  • Transformational Change
  • Innovation in Daily Life and Lifelong Learning

Submissions are invited for papers, workshops and posters in line with the conference theme.

How to submit your proposals:

  • Paper presentations – please submit a short version of your paper, of 1000 words, including an abstract of between 50 -100 words. Those accepted to present papers will be invited to submit a full paper consideration for publication in a special issue of the journal Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning (Open University)
  • Workshops – please send an abstract of between 250 – 300 words detailing the aims of your workshop and the ways in which you will engage delegates

NEW to the Conference!

For this year, we are putting on a showcasing session during the informal dinner on Wednesday 10th April. This can be in the form of poster sessions or mini presentations. This is open to our delegates AND our Award nominees giving them a chance to showcase the project shortlisted for the UALL Awards.

Submissions is simple. All you need to do is send all abstracts and proposals to [email protected]

Be sure to follow us @UALL_UK and to make sure you never miss an update !


Alice Reynolds

UALL Administrator
The Lifelong Learning Centre
Marjorie and Arnold Ziff Building
University of Leeds


Best Sneakers | NIKE
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