CLAYSS Digital - May 2016


We are pleased to present the May 2016 issue of the Digital newsletter of CLAYSS, the Latin American Center for Service Learning:


May 2016

Our traditional online course “Development of Service-Learning Projects” will be available via our Teachers’ Training Institute, after having been approved by the DGEGP (General Direction of Private Management Education), Ministry of Education of the City of Buenos Aires. This course aims at promoting service-learning institutional projects and gives credits to Argentine teachers. 
CLAYSS, Nonprofit Civil Association, was accredited as a Training, Update and Teacher Training Institute (C-579) and aims to provide continuous training opportunities that enable directors, teachers and other Education professionals to incorporate and improve the design, implementation and institutionalization of solidarity educational projects in the educational institutions they work in.


Tentative agenda for the 19° International Service-Learning conference

This year the 19° International Service-Learning conference will take place on 25th- 26th August 2016, in the San Agustín Conference Hall of Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (Av. Alicia M. de Justo 1300, City of Buenos Aires). 
As usual, it will be a space for meeting and exchange between students, teachers, researchers, public officers and youth organization leaders from Latin America and other regions of the world. The Seminar will also have some international outstanding specialists. 
The tentative agenda can be accessed here:


CLAYSS appoints an Executive Director

With great enthusiasm we share with you that as from May Lic. Enrique Ochoa will be CLAYSS Executive Director. Out Institutional growth as well as the expansion of our foreign Programs have led our executive committee to create a new position: Executive Direction; and to offer the position to who has been working as the person in charge of most of our International Programs. In this new position Lic. Enrique Ochoa will be directly collaborating with our Director, Prof. Nieves Tapia, in the general management of CLAYSS. 
After working 16 years as a public official in the promotion of service-learning in educational systems and social organizations, and a brief period as consultant in the National Road Safety Observatory of the Argentine Ministry of Transport as from May 2nd he will be working as CLAYSS Executive Director. Congratulations Enrique! We support you in this new challenge!


Onsite Training for the Support Program

Within the Support Program to Educational Centers in Uruguay, between April and May 16 onsite training sessions were developed to schools participating in the Support Program to Solidarity Schools. Winning institutions of the “Educación Solidaria” National Contest are amongst the selected institutions.


Solidarity tradition to help rural producers

The Agro technical School N° 733 Bryn Gwyn from Gaiman, Chubut is one of the solidarity schools that from its foundations and for more than 20 years has used the service-learning strategy with its students to solve different real problematic situations related to rural exploitation in their community. 
This year the Institutional Service-Learning Project consists of providing technical assistance to rural schools, accompanying the School N°61 from Bryn Gwyn in the construction of a greenhouse for the Lagunita Salada and the Aldea El Mirasol Schools. 


The new issue of the RIDAS magazine

The Iberoamerican Service-Learning Network has just released its second issue of the academic magazine, directed by CLAYSS and the Pedagogy Faculty of the Barcelona University. All people interested in reading or writing for it can find it in spanish here:


Spanish Service-Learning Program recognized by the “Ciudades Educadoras” Award

The service-learning program of the city of Hospitalet de Llobregat, near Barcelona, has been chosen as the winner for the Ciudades Educadoras Award for its good coexistence practices in the city. The award is given by the International Association of Educating Cities (AICE), organization that includes 572 cities in 36 countries around the world. Other prizewinning cities are Epoo of Finland and Saha-Gu South Korea. Congratulations to all people involved and especially to Lluis Esteve Garnés y Roser Batlle who have worked for the dissemination of service-learning in l'Hospitalet. For further information please visit (in Spanish):


Call for IARSLCE Recognition 2016

The purpose of IARSLCE recognition is to encourage, catalyze, support, share, and leverage high quality research. "IARSLCE Recognition of Exemplary Contribution through Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement" is categorized into 3 types: Dissertation, Early Career, and Distinguished Career. Recognitions also include ten (10) graduate student scholarships. For further information visit their website:


Save the date!: Talloires Network Leaders Conference 2017

The next Talloires Network Leaders Conference will take place in Veracruz, Mexico the week of June 19 in 2017. As you may know, the conference is attended by rectors and University authorities responsible for the University Social Commitment for the Network member institutions and all people who are interested in learning about it. This will be the first time that the Conference takes place in Latin America.



  • August 25th-26th: International Service-Learning Conference. Buenos Aires. Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina. Alicia Moreau de Justo 1300, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • October 14th - 16th: The VII National and II International University Service-Learning Conference. Faculty of Education Sciences, Campus Vida. University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. More information:



  • March 22nd – 25th 2017: Dare to Dream. The 28th Annual National Service-Learning Conference®, in Disneyland, Anaheim, California, EEUU. Organized by the NYLC (National Youth Leadership Council). More information:

Josep Puig Review about “El compromiso social como pedagogía” (Social commitment as pedagogy)

This book written by Prof. María Nieves Tapia together with Gerardo Bridi, María Paula Maidana and Prof. Sergio Rial is a CELAM (Latin American Episcopal Council) publication for its Social Sciences collection. 
In its review, the pedagogue of the University of Barcelona, recommends it as a“magnificent piece that gathers the enormous work that has been carried out to implant service-learning in Argentina, in Latin America and many other places –Catalunya has been helped as from day one to advance with more security-. The piece, however, is also a hopeful look to the future, as a tool to continue walking forward.” The book is available in spanish in Argentina trough Ciudad Nueva Editorial or online in the CELAM website

Latin American Center for Service Learning
Nonprofit civil society (Resolution IGJ 001270/03)
CLAYSS, Aprender sirve, servir enseña



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