20th International Service-Learning Conference
This year the 20th International Service-Learning Conference took place on August 24 and 25, 2017 with the presence of 700 attendees, 230 of which came from 11 countries in Latin America, North America and Europe.
This Conference was very special for those of us who work at CLAYSS as well as for those who choose to learn and provide solidarity service on a daily basis through the development of projects or research.
The pedagogy of solidarity Service-Learning has had for 20 years now an annual space for updating and reflecting in Latin America. Teachers and specialists from all over the world have seen it grow and become a public policy in many countries of the American continent. The plenaries and concurrent sessions of this edition sought to reflect this path by proposing a common reflection in which the balance of what has been learned in these 20 years would allow us to think together about future challenges. All presentations of the Conference can be downloaded here (in spanish). The videos of the plenaries (in spanish) are being uploaded to our YouTube channel.
IV Service-Learning Researchers Symposium
The IV Service-Learning Researchers Symposium was organized by CLAYSS with the support of the Ibero-American Learning-Service Network, IARSLCE (International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement) and the OEI (Organization of Ibero-American States). It was attended by 110 people, 85 of whom came from countries other than Argentina.
After the inaugural session led by Dr. Andrew Furco, a founding member of the Association, a selection of the most outstanding papers continued. The rest of the presentations were either oral or presented as e-posters at different times of the morning and afternoon.
I "Service-Learning in the arts"Meeting
As part of the actions defined for the Support Program for Solidarity Educational Institutions "Aprendizaje-Servicio Solidario en las Artes", the First Meeting "Aprendizaje-Servicio Solidario en las Artes" was held on August 23rd, attended by 70 people, including teachers and students from the 15 participating institutions, leaders of CSOs and public officials involved in education.
The Program supports 15 schools and institutions of Higher Education in Argentina, providing training, technical assistance and economic support for the development of projects of Service-Learning and artistic education.
Program of visits to Service-Learning experiences
The Program of visits to Service-Learning experiences opened SL International Week with a tour of three educational institutions in the City of Buenos Aires that carry out solidarity projects. The program brought together a total of fifteen teachers and specialists from various Latin American countries and three specialists from Eastern Europe who visited the following institutions: • the "Isauro Arancibia"Educational Centre, a primary education Centre for adults in street situations, where they carry out productive undertakings of social economy; • the Virgen Inmaculada Institute, which produces audiovisual productions to enhance the culture of popular slums; and • Technical School N° 12 Gral. José de San Martín, who has an integral proposal of Service-Learning articulated around its Science Club. It was a day of rich exchange between professionals dedicated to spreading and increasing Service-Learning in their communities.
CLAYSS in Brazil
The Executive Director of CLAYSS, Lic. Enrique Ochoa, participated in the Educação 360 event that took place on September 21 and 22 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, presenting the experience of CLAYSS in the regional promotion of Service-Learning. An international meeting brought together people who experience and think about education from different points of view and put into practice transformative initiatives.
It featured keynote lectures with leading figures from the world's education sector and roundtables, with representatives from the public and private spheres, as well as presentations of innovative case studies that invite people to think about why education and the future should be discussed. CLAYSS was invited to the dialogue table on alliances between schools and their communities along with Mil Tornelli / Inova Escola; Iolanda Maltroli / Meninos Solar de Luz; and Fernanda Zanelli/Novos Fluxos. The panel featured comments from Brazilian educator and anthropologist Tião Rocha and was moderated by the editor of Galileu Magazine, Giuliane Toledo. More than 60 participants attended the conversation and exchanged questions and opinions.
CLAYSS offered a Webinar for an International Organization
On September 13th, Luz Avruj of CLAYSS and Dana Bates of the New Horizons Foundation (Romania) hosted a webinar in English for the professional team of WorldVision, a Christian global development, humanitarian aid and advocacy organization focused on the well-being and comprehensive protection of vulnerable children. Since 1950, World Vision International has served millions of children, families and communities through development, emergency care and advocacy programs, regardless of political, religious, race, ethnicity or gender. It was a space to propose a better approach to work with young people, and the participants were very interested. The shared material can be seen (in Spanish) here.
Recognition to Colombian University
On September 1, the Bogotá Council presented the University La Gran Colombia with the "District Award 2017 for Social Responsibility" for the good practices of social responsibility carried out by the institution, which have had a positive impact on the social development of the city. The University is being accompanied by CLAYSS through the Support Program for Solidarity Universities 2016-17.
Solidarity Service-Learning in the theological areas of Chilean Catholic Universities
The Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso (PUCV) hosted an enthusiastic meeting of the Network of Theological Centers, Religious Sciences and Philosophy of Catholic Universities in Chile on July 21. The theme was the institutional introduction of Service-Learning practices as part of the subjects of anthropological and Christian formation, and the human and professional formation of students. The meeting was opened by the Academic Vice-rector of the PUCV, Dr. Nelson Vásquez Lara and the Director of the Institute of Religious Sciences, Dr. Eugenia Colomer Espinosa, both of whom were determined promoters of the proposal for Service-Learning. Nieves Tapia, Director of CLAYSS, was invited to give the central conference and comment on the current practice panel presented by several Universities of the Network.
The previous day, Nieves participated together with Sebastián Zulueta from America Solidaria in a meeting of almost 80 PUCV students who participate in solidarity projects, who, despite being on vacation, wanted to meet to reflect on their practices. There was also a dialogue and consulting meeting between Nieves and the professors of Theology and Anthropology at the University who are already developing Service-Learning projects.
I Uruguayan Solidarity Service-Learning Session
The meeting will take place on Friday, October 20th from 9 am to 6 pm. at UCU. Av. 8 de Octubre 2738, Montevideo-Uruguay. The conference is organized by CLAYSS Uruguay headquarters with the support of OEI Uruguay office for Mercosur.
It will be an opportunity to share experiences, listen to experts, research and the protagonists SL projects in Uruguayan formal and non-formal education centres. Within this framework, the Uruguayan SL Network will be launched, so we invite you to join all interested parties. For more information: [email protected]
Free activity with pre-registration by online form.
Uruguay at the 20th International Conference
Among the 700 educators, students, authorities and experts, some 70 Uruguayans participated in the various activities of the XIV International SL Week between August 22 and 25 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Some of them have participated actively in sharing their experiences, research and perspectives of Service-Learning in Uruguay in this training and exchange opportunity.
Online training
Since the accreditation of CLAYSS courses by the Education Training Council (CFE), in this edition (the 7th edition of the free course Pedagogical Proposal of the SL through the EduMEC Platform of the Ministry of Education and Culture), 140 teachers among educators from different subsystems and non-formal education, among them a group of 40 prison operators and teachers of Education in Contexts of Enclosure. Adding to the previous edition, scholarships and tutorial courses, CLAYSS Uruguay headquarters is reaching almost 300 people who are receiving training in Service-Learning.
Support Program for Educational Centers and Institutions
Teachers, students and communities from 40 centers of all levels and modalities of the country are working on SL projects with a great commitment and community impact with the technical support of CLAYSS Uruguay headquarters.
At the same time, from mid-year onwards, work began to be carried out jointly with the OEI in two lines: with the “Luces para Aprender” (Lights to Learn) Program, where rural schools in the deep interior of Uruguay are being trained; and the Interinstitutional Board of Education in the Context of Enclosure, given that Service-Learning is a possible response to the needs of the population.
Solidarity Garden and Gardening in Special School
For more than twelve years now, the Center for Integration and Development, a special education institution in Quilmes, has been carrying out solidarity educational experiences where students apply the acquired learning in the care and beautification of the parks in their locality. During this year, they have worked in coordination with the Villa del Sol Home and the Municipality of Quilmes to make a vegetable garden in the Municipal School of Gardening of Bernal. At the same time, they are continuing with their project to maintain the squares in the town, in recent months have been dedicated to "La Cruz","Bicentennial" and "Collectivities".
For the students, participation in these projects implies an integral development in training in vegetable gardens and gardening that is essential for their future work and allows them to improve their self-esteem as they feel valued and respected by neighbors and different community actors in the locality.
“Service-Learning in the Arts” Support Program
Among the actions corresponding to the Support Program for Solidary Educational Institutions "Aprendizaje-Servicio Solidario en las Artes", the first face-to-face training courses were held in different localities of our country for the institutions that make up the Program. Training was provided to 284 teachers and managers from 12 institutions in Río Negro, Jujuy, Tucumán, Catamarca, Mendoza, Córdoba and CABA. This first phase of face-to-face training is concluded between September and October with 4 meetings in La Plata, Mar del Plata and CABA.
The University Support Program in Colombia and Chile
On July 10 and 11, the second instance of teacher training was held at the University of Greater Colombia (UGC) within the framework of the Support Program for Solidary Universities that is being carried out by CLAYSS. The two days of work were in charge of Dr. Ing. Agr. María Alejandra Herrero and María Gabriela Malacrida, who also held a working meeting with the heads of Social Outreach, Director (e) Robinson Carrascal Ballesteros and the Director of Teaching Mg. Beatriz Amador Lesmes of the host university to strengthen and institutionalize Service-Learning in the UGC.
On July 19 and 20, a training course was held at the Universidad Católica Silva Henriquez in Chile, within the framework of the Support Program for Solidary Universities. More than 40 teachers, students and community partners participated in this training event and learned about different experiences that the University has been carrying out. In the framework of the conference, the document "Service-Learning in the UCSH" was presented; the first publication that collects and systematizes the process of institutionalization of service-learning in this university. Enrique Ochoa and Adriana Hernandez, who in addition to carrying out this training, participated in informative meetings with authorities of different careers.
XIX Meeting of the Ibero-American Network
On August 22nd, a new meeting of the Ibero-American Service-Learning network took place in order to work and share joint projects and exchange impressions on actions, routes and pending challenges. This year the meeting took place in the Salon Leopoldo Marechal of the Ministry of Education of Argentina, and was attended by more than 30 representatives of member institutions from more than 10 countries in the region. In a fraternal and festive atmosphere, the participants renewed their commitment to Service-Learning, its promotion and expansion.
Upcoming CLAYSS activities
- October 20: I National Service-Learning Day. Montevideo, Uruguay. UCU from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the Aula Magna and Sala Bauzá, Av. 8 de Octubre, Montevideo.
- November 9: Meeting of the Brazilian Service-Learning network. São Paulo, Brazil.
- November 21-22: First Peruvian Conference on Solidarity Service-Learning, University of the Pacific, Lima.
- 22-24 November: XVII International Colloquium on University Management, “University, Development and Future in the Knowledge Society", Mar del Plata, Argentina. Prof. Nieves Tapia will speak at the morning panel on Thursday 23rd, entitled: “Management of University Social Commitment" (estimated time frame 11:30 hs.) http://cigu.mdp.edu.ar/
- March 11-13: Justice In Action-the 29th Annual National Service-Learning Conference®, en el InterContinental Riverfront Saint Paul, Saint Paul, Minnesota, EEUU. Organiza NYLC (National Youth Leadership Council). http http://www.nylc.org/conference
- IARSLCE Seeks Members for Conference Content Committee
IARSLCE is seeking members to help shape future IARSLCE conferences by serving on the Conference Content Committee. Details can be found here. For questions or concerns, please contact Becca Berkey, Chair of the Content Committee of Conference 2018:[email protected]
Presentations and videos of the 20th International Conference (in Spanish)
On the conference site, presentations can be downloaded and video lists (n in several parts for better viewing) can be accessed. Plenaries:
- "Service-Learning: Innovation and educational tradition in Latin America and the world" - Prof. María Nieves Tapia (CLAYSS).
- "Balance of the last 20 years: Contributions of Service-Learning to an inclusive and quality education" with the presentations of Mr. Daniel Filmus (MERCOSUR Parliamentarian) and Mr. Hugo Alberto Labate (Director of Learning Design, Ministry of Education of the Argentine Republic).
- "How Service-Learning networks spread around the world", with the participation of Roser Batlle, Spanish Service-Learning network; Amy Meuers, National Youth Leadership Council, USA; Alzbeta Brozmanova Gregorova, Matej Bel University, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia and Natacha Pino, REASE, Chilean Service-Learning network. Moderator: Enrique Ochoa, Executive Director, CLAYSS.
- "Social responsibility, university commitment and learning-solidarity service in Higher Education". Oscar García (Universidad De Buenos Aires); François Vallaeys (Universidad del Pacífico, Peru) and Sebastián Puglisi (UNMdP-CLAYSS) participated. Moderator: Ing. Agr. María Alejandra Herrero, President of CLAYSS. (The session was recorded in a classroom without sound amplification so the quality is not the same as the rest of the videos.
You can also check our YouTube channel to see them.
New publication of CLAYSS Uruguay Headquarters
A new publication of the Uruguay Headquarters, "Aprendizaje, Solidaridad y Ciudadanía. 8 Experiences of Solidarity Service-Learning ". This new book completes the series of four publications produced within the framework of the Uruguay headquarters Program, which offer accessible guides and tools for the development of projects at different educational levels, supported by experiences developed in Uruguayan educational centers. All of them can be downloaded free of charge, and we hope that they will also be useful for educators and students from the rest of Latin America.
Thanks to an agreement with the Uruguayan education authorities and the Uruguay-MERCOSUR Office of the OEI, printed copies will be available free of charge to Uruguayan teachers within the framework of the training courses offered by CLAYSS Uruguay Headquarters and other partners in the Program for the promotion of Service-Learning that takes place in that country.
The publications are (in Spanish):
Service-Learning in a publication on educational innovations
The CIPPEC (Centro de Aplicación de Políticas Públicas para la Equidad y el Crecimiento) presented its book "50 Innovations in Education for Schools", edited by Fundación Santillana, at the National Library of Teachers on September 11. There, among several authors including Rebeca Anijovich, Melina Furman, Marta Libedinsky, Mariana Maggio and Alfredo Vota, Inés Aguerrondo writes about Service-Learning (http://edulab.cippec.org/extras/50innovaciones.pdf see pg. 57) as one of the innovations suggested for schools. Ms. Aguerrondo had already included CLAYSS's Service-Learning work in a UNICEF publication at the end of 2015 (https://www.unicef.org/lac/UNICEF_Aprendizaje_bajo_la_lupa_nov2015(1).pdf see pg. 69).
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