CONCEPT journal Special Anniversary Issue: Pedagogy of the Oppressed


A special issue of CONCEPT (the journal of Contemporary Community Education Practice Theory) has just been published, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the publication of Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed.

We regard the Special Issue as a fitting tribute from a range of distinctive voices to perhaps one of the most distinctive, compelling and (still) contemporary voices in popular education. 


Editorial - Mel Aitken & Mae Shaw

Why Freire Still Matters - Jim Crowther/Ian Martin

Reclaiming the radical agenda: Paulo Freire in Neoliberal Times - Margaret Ledwith

A Northeastern Brazilian:  Memories of Paulo Freire - Budd L Hall

The Road Not Taken: The Road Still Open - Colin & Gerri Kirkwood

What Freire Means to Me - Lyn Tett, Louise Sheridan & Christina McMellon

POTO and the Power of Big Words - CAMINA

Pedagogy of Courage - Joel Lazarus

Freire at the Ceilidh - Stan Reeves

Why Gramsci offers us a framework for understanding the work of Freire - Keith Popple 

In solidarity: international reflections;

  • Freire at the University of Seville - Emilio Lucio-Villeg
  • Reflections on Pop Ed in Latin America and the Caribbean - Viviana Cruz McDougall
  • A message of solidarity from South Africa - Astrid von Kotze

Review: A Student Guide to POTO - Bill Johnston

A copy of the full issue is featured below amd attached...


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