COP26 Event from IMAESC students - 19 October, 2021 1pm

School of Education
University of Glasgow
United Kingdom
Tuesday, 19 October, 2021 - 13:00

Seminar Series: 

COP26 Event from IMAESC students -  19 October, 2021 1pm

Join us for an interactive, international dialogue on the intersection of climate justice, education, and sustainable development. This workshop is part of the “10 days to COP26” series organised by the School of Education at the University of Glasgow.

Join Erasmus Mundus International Master in Adult Education for Social Change’s (IMAESC) past and present cohorts for an interactive, international dialogue on the intersection of climate justice, education, and sustainable development.

We will weave together our diverse perspectives and experiences as we explore what climate justice means to us, the interconnected nature of our different stories, and how we could contribute to the conversation at COP26.



The University of Glasgow offers a Postgraduate taught degree program: Adult Education for Social Change (Erasmus Mundus International Master) IntM


CR&DALL Themes: 
