CR&DALL Director Professor Michael Osborne was amongst an expert group who met at UNESCO’s Institute for Lifelong Learning in Hamburg on 4/5 February 2020 to discuss the development of a programme of work concerning how universities contribute to the implementation of lifelong learning and the development of lifelong learning as a research field.
The objectives of a programme of work to be run collaboratively by UIL and the International Association of Universities during 2020/21 are to draw up an overview of the state of the art and identify the gaps in the current offer. Draft proposals for institutions and Ministries in charge of 'Higher Education’ to improve the promotion of lifelong learning are planned.
The above video clip shows UIL Director David Atchoarena speaking about the outcomes of the expert meeting on universities' contributions to lifelong learning, which took place at UIL in Hamburg on the 4th and 5th of February, 2020.
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