Development Studies Association Scotland meeting - Friday 17th June 2016

The University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh EH8 9YL
United Kingdom
Friday, 17 June, 2016 - 00:00

The next meeting of the Development Studies Association (DSA) Scotland is being planned for Friday 17th June 2016, and it is to be held in the University of Edinburgh for the first time in several years.

The 2016 meeting will be hosted by the Global Development Academy. The principal organiser of the meeting is Dr Anuj Kapilashrami, Lecturer in Global Public Health and South Asia Director and DSA focal point for Global Development Academy. Other universities in the Edinburgh area including Heriot Watt and the Institute for Global Health and Development (Queen Margaret University) will be involved in the planning of the meeting.

It is intended that the meeting will consist of four parts:

  • Presentations by established researchers and by postgraduate research students – duration subject to depending upon the offers of papers received
  • An address by Humza Yousaf, the Scottish Government’s Minister for Europe and International Development
  • A  presentation about  the  University  of  Edinburgh,  Global  Development  Academy  followed by discussion
  • Discussion of issues around the governance of DSA Scotland and its activities

The main overall theme for the DSA Scotland 2016 meeting will be focused on the new Sustainable Development Goals, and presentations relating to this theme are invited from active researchers based in Scotland. We are particularly interested in encouraging presentations from current doctoral research students. Within the overall theme we would like to emphasise issues relating to globalisation and migration; which, of course, includes the trans-border movement of people and international transmission of disease- with an overall focus on inequalities (gender, health and other).

Further details for the June 2016 meeting will appear in the same location in due course – and there is also a DSA Scotland Facebook page.

It is hoped that participation in the meeting will include people from the Scottish university sector (staff and postgraduate students), from the NGO sector, from the Scottish Government and Parliament and from the Department for International Development.

Please send proposals – conceptual or empirical – to Dr Anuj Kapilashrami ([email protected]) no later than 8th February 2016. Proposals should clearly list author’s institutional affiliation, title of presentation and an abstract of 350 words that provides a rationale, aim/ objective, methodology and key issues/ findings. We expect that decisions about which of the proposed presentations can be fitted into the provisional programme by about mid-February.

The current DSA Scotland working group includes, in addition to Anuj Kapilashrami, Dr Hilary Homans (University of Aberdeen – [email protected]), Dr Philippe LeMay Boucher (p.lemay-  [email protected]), Dr Mozammel Huq (University of Strathclyde – [email protected]) and Dr Michael Tribe (University of Strathclyde – [email protected]). Mozammel Huq is the DSA Scotland study group convenor.

Draft Programme – Friday 17th June 2016

(precise location to be confirmed later)

10.00 – 10.30

Coffee and Preliminary Networking


Welcome to Participants – Dr Mozammel Huq (Convenor, DSA Scotland)

10.30 – 12.30 First set of presentations and discussion
12.30 – 1.00 The  Edinburgh  University  Global  Development  Academy  –  Presentation  and discussion

1.00 – 2.00

Buffet Lunch and Networking

2.00 – 4.00 Second set of presentations
4.00 – 4.30 The Governance of DSA Scotland

4.30 – 5.00

Tea/Coffee, Networking, Depart

At some point during the proceedings it is hoped that Humza Yousaf, Minister for Europe and International Development in the Scottish Government, will give an address and lead a discussion.

Several papers / presentations from past DSA Scotland meetings are still available from the DSA Scotland page in the DSA (Development Studies Association of the UK and Ireland) website ( – Study Groups section.


The Development Studies Association is registered as a charity in Scotland – SC044852.

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