DVV International Newsletter for May 2024 and Subscription

DVV International Newsletter for May 2024 and Subscription

This is a newsletter on adult learning and education in the context of development cooperation - by practitioners and for practitioners especially. It is coming once in a quarter and informs on activities around the globe, and reports on relevant examples and experiences.

The May 2024 issue is attached. A key theme is literacy, and has a number of interviews from different countries, like Uganda, Mocambique, Mali, Malawi and Togo. The needs for adult learning and education despite the war in Ukraine is great. Other countries are Jordan and Tajikistan. A report from a meeting in the European Union to strengthen cooperation and support is included. 

New publications are added like the Guidebook on sustainable adult education, and addition to the ALE Toolbox which can be accessed here https://www.dvv-international.de/en/ale-toolbox

It includes also a tribute for Prof. Joachim Knoll who died recently. He was one of the champions in international and comparative adult education, and a member of the Hall of Fame since 2006.

If you want to subscribe, please visit the link below:



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