DVV International Newsletter November 2021

DVV International Newsletter June 2021

The latest DVV International Newsletter issue is featured below. It carries a wealth of important and practice-oriented information on current developments in the areas of ALE and LLL, especially where DVV International and its partners are involved. Additionally, it contains materials and documents with easy access.

Best Heribert


Heribert HInzen
DVV International – Institut für Internationale Zusammenarbeit 
des Deutschen Volkshochschul-Verbandes e.V.
Obere Wilhelmstraße 32, 53225 Bonn



Issue 3/2021
DVV International Newsletter
In an editorial, Christoph Jost, Director of DVV International, reflects on new societal challenges and the approaches adult education must take to meet them. 
Read the editorial!
Uwe Gartenschlaeger
In the last decade, at least in Europe, ALE was mainly understood as a service to improve people’s potential to get work and offer them some additional possibilities for basic education. DVV International and the European Association for the Education of Adults initiated the BILDUNG project that intends to provide inspiring and forward-thinking concepts, ideas, and good practices for the ALE sector. 
Learn more about the project!
Dr Johann Heilmann
During the United Nations High-Level Political Forum the Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education, a longstanding partner of DVV International, held an online side event on 8 July 2021. Its objective was to discuss how equitable access to skills and sustainable infrastructure can lead to an inclusive recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. 
Read the report!
Marieke Dohrmann
In order to include the indigenous languages spoken in the Mexican state of Chiapas in educational activities, DVV International initiated a bilingual indigenous education model together with Mexican government partners in 2016. The training focuses on literacy, building communicative skills, and teaching the right to lifelong learning. 
Learn more about the model!
Mae Fastner
In a central Malian village, the members of a REFLECT circle have not only learned to read, write and do arithmetic but have worked to keep their community together. In response to the increasing loss of agricultural land and the resulting tensions between the villagers, the circle decided to build a stone wall.
Read about the circle's agricultural project!
Maja Avramovska, Lali Sandeladze
Since 2005, DVV International Georgia has been engaged in the establishment of Adult Education Centres. The centres often represent the only opportunity for further education of the adults and the youth in the regions. They provide education and lifelong learning opportunities for all regardless of class, gender, education, age, religion, ideology or nationality. 
Learn more about the Adult Education Centres!
Dyson Mthawanji
South Africa faces a youth crisis of unemployment. Unfortunately, many unemployed young people who have dropped out of school do not have the confidence to go back into a formal learning environment. This is why DVV International South Africa in collaboration with its partner is promoting non-formal education programmes that are relevant to the learning needs of youth.
Read the article!
Asma Jebri
In Tunisia, an increased illiteracy rate has been observed. In rural areas, the rate is especially high, as those areas are usually poorer and are characterized by a low level of education, rural migration and subsistence agriculture. DVV International Tunisia has started the programme Farmer Field School adds Literacy which minimizes the illiteracy rate, ensures food security, and improves the socio-economic integration of vulnerable populations. 
Find out more!
Ola Issa
Curriculum GlobALE (CG) is an output-orientated core curriculum for training adult educators worldwide. Based on how important CG can be when adapted to local contexts, it became clear that it is also an important instrument to support ALE providers in the context of the pandemic. Therefore, DVV International Palestine and its partners agreed to pilot the digital implementation of Curriculum GlobALE.
Learn more!
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DVV International
Institut für Internationale Zusammenarbeit 
des Deutschen Volkshochschul-Verbandes e.V.
Obere Wilhelmstraße 32, 53225 Bonn
Tel.: +49 (0)228 97569-0

Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Christoph Jost, Director of DVV International
Concept and editing: Barbara Hust

DVV International is the Institute for International Cooperation of the Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband e.V. (DVV), the German Adult Education Association. As the leading professional organisation in the field of adult education and development cooperation, DVV International has committed itself to supporting lifelong learning for 50 years. DVV International provides worldwide support for the establishment and development of sustainable structures for Youth and Adult Education.
