Education for All: Challenging Orthodoxies and Fostering Inclusion

Somerville College
University of Oxford
Woodstock Rd
Oxford OX2 6HD
United Kingdom
Thursday, 4 April, 2024 - 10:00 to 19:00
Education for All: Challenging Orthodoxies and Fostering Inclusion

The Council for Education in the Commonwealth is delighted to be partnering with the Association of Commonwealth Universities, CR&DALL and Somerville College, University of Oxford, in a one-day conference to review current trends in education and development. It will be held at Somerville College, University of Oxford on 4th April 2024 - from 1000 to 1900, and has been inspired by the work of the late Professor Lalage Bown, and will explore her legacy.

During the day a new edited collection themed around her work in Africa and the UK, Adult Education and Social Justice – International Perspectives, will be launched. Further details of the event and of the book are featured below and attached.

