Enjoy a complimentary conference reception at Mathematikum Museum Giessen


EAN conference delegates will have the opportunity to discover and explore the extraordinary Mathamatikum Museum in Giessen at the complimentary reception, held on the first day of the conference.

Mathematikum Museum Giessen

will host the EAN 26th Annual Conference Reception

Wednesday 22nd September, 7pm - 9pm


EAN conference delegates will have the opportunity to discover and explore the extraordinary Mathamatikum Museum in Giessen at the complimentary reception, held on the first day of the conference.

For conference details and programme please check out the event webpage.

Mathematics for everybody

The museum aims to offer mathematics to a wider audience through fun and interactive activities and exhibitions. You may try to solve geometrical puzzles, you can discover the golden ratio at your own body, find yourself in a giant soap bubble, see yourself an infinite number of times, and much more.
You will learn that mathematics is everywhere.


We are delighted to have 
Prof. Dr. Albrecht Beutelspacher, initiator and founder of the museum, open the reception
and welcome EAN conference delegates.

Register Now!

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