ESREA newsletter


As you know, ESREA holds a triennial European Research Conference in order to encourage the widest possible forum for the exchange of ongoing research activities in Europe. These ESREA conferences have been held 1995 in Strobl, 1998 in Bruxelles, 2001 in Lisbon, 2004 in Wroclaw, 2007 in Seville, 2010 in Linköping and 2013 in Berlin. Now we are proud to announce that the 2016 ESREA triennial conference will be in Maynooth, Ireland, between the  8-11 September. The call for papers will be circulated shortly.

Since the last ESREA newsletter, the third book in the ESREA Sense book series have been published. The book is called Private World(s) Gender and Informal Learning of Adults and it is edited by Joanna Ostrouch-Kaminska and Cristina C. Vieira (Eds.)

The ESREA book series are open access books and they can be found on:

Laura Formenti, the Chair if ESREA, has been interviewed by EPALE, ePlatform for Adult Learning in Europe. The focus for the interview were about ESREA’s goals and activities, but also to explore the relationship between research, policy and practice in adult education. If you are interested, you can take part of the interview here:

 For those of you how still are on summer holiday I wish a restful vacation and to the rest of us, I wish a inspiring and creative academic semester.

Best wishes

Dr. Sofia Nyström

Sofia Nyström
Senior lecturer
Secretary of the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA)
Website -


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