GAPS Bulletin - Summer 2017: Special Edition III


Here is the latest bulletin from GAPS, the Global Access to Postsecondary Education, entitled Special Edition III:

GAPS Global Access News - Special Edition 3/2017
The GAPS Bulletin - Summer Edition
Welcome to the GAPS Bulletin - Special Edition III/2017

Dear Steve Rubin,

Looking for an opportunity to participate in the global access and success community? Contact us if you would like to be part of “The GAPS Think Piece Series” or if you have articles, publications, projects or events to share.

Have you heard about the ‘Why GAPS?’ awareness campaign? If you would like to be part of it (or maybe know someone who would), it is as easy as A, B, C:
  1. You need a high quality picture
  2. You need to list your affiliation
  3. You need one short sentence answering the question ‘Why Global Access to Postsecondary Education?’
Send us your submission by clicking here.

If you would like to access one of the articles in this GAPS Bulletin, just click the headline (or wherever else indicated) and you will be automatically forwarded.

In this edition of the GAPS Bulletin you will find the following GAPS Think Pieces:
  • Universities cannot solve all the problems in the world. But they should try. (Hannah Leichsenring)
  • Promoting Equity in Higher Education: The Measurement and Reporting of Disadvantaged in Australia (Paul Koshy)
  • Gender, Misrecognition & Access to Postsecondary Education (Penny Jane Burke)
  • elite vs. Mass Higher Education  - A Reflection On the Purpose of Higher Education (Klemen Miklavic) 
  • Global Education and Nontraditional Students: Developing Study Abroad Programs & Bridging Cultural GAPS (Amanda Eakins & Volkan Aktas)

Enjoy reading the GAPS Bulletin - Special Edition III/2017!

As part of our effort to build the community, we would like to keep our readership information current. We thank you in advance for taking a couple minutes to update your information by following this link (if you haven't up-dated it lately):
Best of 

The GAPS Think Piece Series

The GAPS Think Piece Issue 11
Universities cannot solve all the problems in the world. But they should try.

Hannah Leichsenring
Senior Strategic Project Manager, University of Brighton
To access Issue 11 please click here

The GAPS Think Piece Issue 12
Promoting Equity in Higher Education: The Measurement and Reporting of Disadvantaged in Australia

Paul Koshy
National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education
Curtin University, Australia
To access Issue 12 please click here

To share your initiatives or news with access & success colleagues from around the world Click here

The GAPS Think Piece Issue 13
Gender, Misrecognition & Access to Postsecondary Education

Penny Jane Burke
Global Innovation Chair of Equity & Director of the Centre for Excellence in Equity in Higher Education
University of Newcastle, Australia
To access Issue 13 please click here

The GAPS Think Piece Issue 14
Elite vs. Mass Higher Education – A Reflection On the Purpose of Higher Education

Klemen Miklavič
International Expert on Education & Chief Analyst for the European Quality Assurance Agency
To access Issue 14 please click here

The GAPS Think Piece Issue 15
Global Education and Nontraditional Students: Developing Study Abroad Programs & Bridging Cultural Gaps 

Amanda Eakins & Volkan Aktas
Idaho State University, USA
To access Issue 15 please click here

The GAPS online library
Our online library is growing!

GAPS is building a library of books and articles which may be of interest to organisations and individuals committed to post secondary education access and equity.

To view content already submitted by the GAPS Community, please visit the GAPS website.

If you would like to add to this library, please send the book/article title and author
to [email protected] or tweet @GAPSEducation. Links to articles will also be accepted. 
Event Calendar
To access the GAPS Event Calendar to find access events from around the world click here

To share initiatives or news with access and success colleagues from around the world send an
email to [email protected] or tweet @gapseducation

All links in this newsletters are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. They do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by GAPS of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organization. GAPS bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of external sites or for that of subsequent links. Please contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.
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