Current political situations and societal developments (e.g. globalization; movement of refugees; anti-feminism; away from gender mainstreaming and towards managing diversity) require new approaches and views of gender, also in adult education. Via concepts such as diversity and intersectionality, the perspectives broaden, and not only with regard to the research questions.
For adult education, this for example means that heterogeneity is to be taken into account within every gender category instead of merely focusing on differences between the sexes.
Additionally, the increasing heterogeneity of the actors and actresses (who participates in adult education with which e.g. academic background or goal) as well as of the addressees (relaxation of access to continuing education and professional development as well as to study programs?) shifts into stronger attention. Another level of analysis that has to be added is the interaction between diversity categories regarding the affiliation of actors and target groups and their impact on education processes. In this way, the academic discourse on gender is broadened by diversity and intersectionality. Moreover, various scientific concepts for the analysis of gender as a master category become more accurate and complex in the sense of the intra-categorical approach by McCall (2001) through the inclusion of other categories.
The ESREA Gender Network Conference 2017 “Gender – Diversity – Intersectionality. (New) Theories and Policies in Adult Education” shall account for the outlined developments.
Possible key topics for contributions against this background could, amongst others, be:
- Implications of distinct constellations of intersectionality on education processes
- Diversity as a challenge and chance for (new) learning strategies in adult education
- Methodological challenges in further education and its scientific investigation in consideration of diversity and intersectionality
- Influence of adult education on political processes of change
- Influence of the discourses on diversity and intersectionality on feminist theory and research
- Adult education and social integration
It goes without saying that contributions that focus solely on the aspect of gender are very welcome as well and will certainly offer ample grounds for discussion with regard to the aforementioned aspects.
The gender dimension is visible in research in the Educational Sciences, but it mainly concerns formal education and children’s socialization and development. The purpose of ESREA Gender Network is to raise awareness of this field of research in adult education in Europe. Reports of research are discussed in terms of their theoretical basis in topics such as gendered learning, gender in higher education, gendered biographies, masculinities-femininities, gender in adult training, gender in academia, gender and informal learning, but also in terms of their methodological dimensions.
The Conference will provide spaces to engage participants with these and similar issues in workshops and plenary sessions, will be a forum for researchers to facilitate cooperation, exchange knowledge and experience, and to integrate PhD students into the field. The first two conferences of the Network were held in Bochum (Germany, 1999) and Geneva (Switzerland2001). The third meeting took place in Wroclaw (Poland, 2004) as an ESREA post-conference seminar, and next ones were organized in Geneva (Switzerland, 2005), Olsztyn (Poland, 2007), Hull (Great Britain, 2009), Montpellier (France, 2011), Coimbra (Portugal, 2013). The last conference was held in Belgrade (Serbia, 2015). As the results of those meetings and discussions five books were published:
DYBBROE Betina, OLLAGNIER Edmée Ed. (2003) Challenging gender in lifelong learning: european perspectives, Copenhagen: Roskilde University Press;
OSTROUCH Joanna, OLLAGNIER Edmée Ed. (2008) Researching Gender in Adult Learning, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Publishing;
OSTROUCH-KAMIŃSKA Joanna, FONTANINI Christine, GAYNARD Sheila Ed. (2012) Considering Gender in Adult Learning and in Academia: (In)Visible Act, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Naukowe DSW.
OSTROUCH-KAMIŃSKA Joanna, VIEIRA Cristina Ed. (2015) Private World(s). Gender and Informal Learning of Adults, Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
MAKSIMOVIĆ Maja, OSTROUCH-KAMIŃSKA Joanna, POPOVIĆ Katarina, BULAJIĆ Aleksandar Eds. (2016) Contemporary Issues and Perspectives on Gender Research in Adult Education, Belgrade: IPA-ESREA-AES.
European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA) Network on Gender and Adult Learning invites to conference on
"Gender - Diversity - Intersectionality. (New) Theories and Policies in Adult Education"
Institute of Psychology, University of Koblenz-Landau, Koblenz, Germany - 12th October – 14th October 2017
You are invited to submit a paper abstract addressing one of conference areas. Abstracts should be no more than 500-600 words in length. The language of the conference will be English.
We would like to encourage PhD students to send in abstracts: few bursaries are available. For this, you are asked to send your abstract with a motivation letter and a formal request in English. The Scientific Committee will transfer those files to the ESREA Presidency.
Deadline for submission of abstracts is March 31st, 2017. They will be sent by email at ([email protected]).
All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee:
[email protected] - Prof. Joanna Ostrouch-Kamińska, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland, ESREA Gender Network Convenor
[email protected] - Prof. Barbara Merrill, University of Warwick, England, ESREA Steering Committee Member
[email protected] - Prof. Cristina Maria Coimbra Vieira, University of Coimbra, Portugal, ESREA Steering Committee Member
[email protected] - Prof. Claudia Quaiser-Pohl, ESREA Gender Network Meeting Organizer
[email protected] - Prof. Martina Endepohls-Ulpe, ESREA Gender Network Meeting Organizer
Authors will be notified by April, 30th 2017.
Completed papers of between 4000 – 6000 words should be submitted by 10th of September 2017. Please use the APA style for writing and referencing. For detailed instruction please follow the link:
The final registration is possible until 15th of September 2017.
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