Global development news, jobs and funding opportunities from UKCDS


Welcome to the September issue of our newsletter. 

As well as the latest UKCDS news, we offer a snapshot of global development funding opportunities, events and jobs. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.



UKCDS launches new website

The new UKCDS website has gone live. For those of you visiting our site regularly, you have probably already seen the new version and we hope you like it. We've tried to make the new site explain more clearly who UKCDS is and what we do. We would love to hear your feedback so we can make the site as useful as possible so please take a look and let us know what you think. 

DFID to invest £140 million in product development partnerships for neglected diseases

Millions of lives could be saved by new health treatments to combat some of the world’s most debilitating and deadly diseases, following support from the UK government. Read more here.


DFID call for proposals for systematic reviews

DFID has developed a set of systematic review questions based on policy and practice priorities and is now calling for proposals from interested reviewers to conduct a systematic review.
Belmont Forum and FACCE-JPI international opportunities fund
This international opportunities fund is aimed at supporting excellent research on the theme of food security and land-use change. 


International conference on global food security
What:  This event aims to deliver state-of-the-art analysis, inspiring visions and innovative research methods arising from interdisciplinary research.
When: 29 September - 2 October 2013
Where: Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands


2nd GRF One Health Summit 2013

What: This event will further explore, advance and agree on the need for a global integrative risk management approach for One Health. 
When: 17-20 November 2013
Where: Davos, Switzerland
More details


News and comment

David Dickson, founding director of SciDev.Net 

The UKCDS secretariat was extremely sad to learn that David Dickson (1947-2013), the founding director of SciDev.Net, passed away suddenly in August. David founded SciDev.Net as a science news service for the developing world in 2001. He was an inspiring figure for international development and our thoughts go to his family, friends and colleagues. Read more at SciDev.Net.

Science and the post 2015 development agenda
UKCDS believes that bringing together the relevant stakeholders from funding, research and policy will help achieve a more coordinated approach to the development of the post 2015 agenda. Read the joint report on post 2015 PolicyLab event here.

International development - the blogging landscape
As UKCDS moves into the blogging world, the secretariat is keen to ensure that a new blog will add something to what is currently on offer. The focus of UKCDS is on making science work for international development – but who else is blogging about similar issues and how can a new blog add value? Read more here.


Chief Adviser, Economics and Development 
As Chief Adviser, Economics and Development, you’ll work to integrate strategic economic and development perspectives across WWF's portfolio.
Closing date: 9 September 2013
Full details

WaterAid is looking to recruit two Senior Policy Analysts who will lead their advocacy on water security and climate change. 
Closing date: 11 September 2013
Full details

Social Development Research Officers
This position provides a bridge between academic experts and those working in donor agencies and government policy departments.
Closing date: 16 September 2013
Full details

Global Panel Secretariat Coordinator
This role will contribute to the effective management of the Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition.
Closing date: 18 September 2013


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