There is interesting information in the introductory note of the International Yearbook of Adult Education 2022 "that volume 45 ... is the first one to be published as a fully-open-access-journal." Congratulations to Prof. Michael Schemmann as Editor as well as wbv as publisher.
The 2022 issue is devoted to Adult Education Research and Neo-Institutional Theory, and co-edited by Dörthe Herbrechter & Michael Schemmann. It has five articles on the key subject and additional sections with miscellaneous reviews. As it is open access a copy can be attached herewith.
I enjoyed especially looking at two articles as they are close to concerns I have been pondering over the years of my professional life: Why is it that the Global South so often is underrepresented in many areas of our field of adult learning and education? And how did lifelong learning find its way to be our educational paradigm of today? They are:
- Who Publishes What? – A Bibliometric Study of Papers from the Global South in International Journals of Adult Education Research by Tim Vetter; and
- Three Tales of Lifelong Learning as a Travelling Idea: Diffusion, Mimesis, and Translation by Mike Zapp.
Heribert Hinzen
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