Latest news on European research in learning and work [L&W] - December 2016


Particularly worth noting in this edition are calls for papers relating to the Nordic Conference in Jönköping, the International Conference on HRD in Lisbon, the EDEN Annual Conference in Jönköping, the EURAM Business for Society Track in Glasgow and the JVET Conference in Glasgow (see Conferences), the Summer Days of the History and Philosophy of Education in Tampere (see Networks), the PhD Workshop on VET Inclusiveness in Lausanne (see Programmes), Special Issues on Entrepreneurship Education and on International Mobility, and the next volume of The International Journal of HRD Practice, Policy & Research (see Publications).

Many thanks to all who contributed information for this edition and who sent helpful feedback. The L&W Newsletter reaches you via a mailing list of about 1500 experts in and beyond Europe. It focuses on transnational research activities in the field of human resource development (HRD) and vocational education and training (VET), centred on major categories: conferences, networks, programmes, projects and publications. The next edition will appear in early February 2017. You are invited to submit short pieces of news (texts of 100 to 200 words, without attachments, but including links to web pages) - please by 31 January 2017 at the latest!

Should you prefer to read the current edition online, you can find it on the L&W website ( under December 2016. Please pass the Newsletter on to your own colleagues and networks. Special thanks to our partners CR&DALL, PASCAL International Observatory, UFHRD, UNEVOC, VET&Culture and VETNET for sharing the L&W Newsletter via their mailing lists and web portals!

With best wishes
Sabine Manning
Research Forum WIFO
Editor of the L&W Newsletter


ISCAE Conference: Comparative Adult Education
We would kindly invite you to the 6th Conference of ISCAE "Comparative Adult Education 2017" in Würzburg/Germany from Feb. 16, 2017 (afternoon) to Saturday, Feb. 18, 2017 (evening). The conference will be held in conjunction with the Winter School on "Comparative Studies in Adult and Lifelong Learning" (COMPALL) and provides a forum to collect, share, and discuss practices, concepts, evaluation, and research studies. Online registration until 31st January 2017. For more information:
(Posted by Monika Staab <[email protected]>

Call for papers: Nordic Conference
Adult education in the age of global mobility. 7th Nordic Conference on Adult Education and Learning 3-5 May 2017. School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University, Sweden
The multifaceted theme of global mobility, which we address at this  conference, reframes the classical question of whether there is such a thing as a Nordic model of adult education, and prompts us to ask how well Nordic adult education has adapted to our age of global mobility.  What processes of transformation, reinvention, and reframing are going on, in practice as well as in theory? Contributions that relate adult education to various frames of reference are welcome. Please send an abstract of a maximum of 400 words (Word/rtf document), including your contact information, to karolina.boberg@ no later than January 15, 2017. Contact: Cecilia Bjursell <[email protected]>, Henrik Nordvall <[email protected]>.  More information is available at
(Info received via CR&DALL Site Digest for 11/17/2016/ > info page)

UFHRD Conference: Call for papers - deadline extended!
18th International Conference on Human Resource Development, Research and Practice across Europe in Lisbon (Portugal) 7-9 June 2017
Following the huge success of recent UFHRD Conferences, we invite you to come to sunny and warm Lisbon, near the Atlantic Ocean, to discuss a pivotal question on the future of HRD: "Indigenous Research and Identity in HRD in a Globalized World". We are honoured to announce that we have four very distinguished scholars as keynote speakers namely Monica Lee, Valerie Anderson, Brad Chuck and Bob Hamlin. The conference will be divided into ten streams led by well-known and experienced scholars. Details of the streams may be found on the Conference webpage ( under the header Stream Content. The EXTENDED AND FINAL deadline for abstract submission (1000 to 2000 words) is 15 December 2016 (see updated Call for papers). Contributions should be sent to [email protected] Abstracts should include information about Purpose and Research Question, Setting, Theoretical background, Methodology, Results, Implications and Limitations.  Reviews will be sent to authors before January 31, 2017. The deadline for paper submission (6000 to 8000 words) is April 1, 2017. For any contact use [email protected]. Eduardo Tomé, Maria José Sousa and Sandra Costa on behalf of the Organizing Committee.
(Info received from Eduardo Tomé <[email protected]>, JIM STEWART <[email protected]>)

EDEN call for papers: Diversity matters
26th EDEN Annual Conference "Diversity Matters" 13-16 June 2017. Jönköping, Sweden
Join the conference in Jönköping to talk about your research, projects and experience connected with diversity challenges. The responsibility of the scholarly community includes the proper handling of diversity in education with respect to learners' profiles, backgrounds, generations, cultures with different languages, literacies, and ways of communication as well as diversity in media and technology enhanced learning environments. We need established reflections of practice that support paradigm-changing transformations based on systematic knowledge. Networking and interactivity, sharing and discussion will be core aspects of the conference experience, focusing on what you can learn from and with your peers. Submissions that relate to the Conference Scope and one or more of the Conference Themes are welcome in paper, poster, workshop, training, demonstration and synergy formats. Deadline for submissions: 30 January 2017. Should you need further assistance, do not hesitate to contact the Conference Secretariat at [email protected]. For further information go to the conference website
(Info received from EDEN Newsletter/ Annual Conference Secretariat <[email protected]>)

Call for papers: EURAM 2017 Business for Society Track
Sub-Track 01-04 Developing leadership for complexity: a critical approach to coaching. Glasgow 21-24 June 2017
In this track, we first intend to explore how coaches support leaders to: #Transcend a competency framework in order to develop critically reflexive skills - micro level #Flourish within complex relationships (virtual, etc) - meso level #Operate systemically across organizations, countries, regions etc - macro level. A second interest in this track is to explore the tensions, contradictions, and resistance generated by the use of leadership development practices such as coaching. A third avenue of interest consists of exploring the educational challenges to equip coaches to effectively support leaders and organizations in complex environments. While coaching is the primary helping practice considered in this track, we welcome critical contributions on other leadership development practices such as mentoring, consulting, etc. Deadline for submission: 10th January 2017. More information: Contacts: Dr Paul Stokes <[email protected]>, Dr Pauline Fatien <[email protected]>  We look forward to your submission and a stimulating conversation!
(Info from Pauline Fatien c/o UFHRD mailing list)

Call for papers: JVET Conference
12th International Conference of the Journal of Vocational Education & Training: Researching Vocational Education and Training. Worcester College, Oxford, UK, 7-9 July 2017
The JVET Conference Committee invites contributions to our successful bi-annual international conference. This meeting provides a lively and critical forum for debates concerning all aspects of vocational education and training and developments in work and learning since 1995. This call for papers is, therefore, open to all contributions that seek to enrich this field of inquiry. In addition to paper presentations, the conference organisers have identified space for up to two symposia. For paper presentations, please submit a 400 word abstract, and for symposia, please submit a 600 word proposal including the names and affiliations of participants, by 31 January 2017 to: For further details please go to the JVET webpage
(Info received from Matthias Vonken <[email protected]> c/o VET_Culture mailing list and Matthias Pilz <[email protected]>)

WORK2017 Call for papers
3rd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Research on Work and Working Life. 16-18 August 2017. University of Turku
Building on the success of the international interdisciplinary conferences WORK2013 and WORK2015, WORK2017 will be an international forum for the exchange of research and experience among researchers and practitioners in the field of work and working life. The conference theme is "Work and Labour in the Digital Future". The conference welcomes papers and presentations exploring, describing and analyzing the world of work, changes in labour and meanings of work within and beyond the digital world. The conference is organized by the Turku Centre for Labour Studies (TCLS), the Turku School of Economics, the SWiPE Research Consortium (Academy of Finland) and the University of Turku, Finland. We cordially invite you to submit an individual abstract related to existing streams (see List). The deadline for abstract submission is 31 January 2017. Further information is available at We look forward to seeing you in Turku in August 2017! On behalf of the organizing committee, Anne Kovalainen, chair Professor
(Info received from Stephen Billett <[email protected]>)

Competence 2016 - A review by Martin Mulder
International conference on Competence Theory, Research and Practice. Wageningen University, the Netherlands, October 19-21, 2016
Thanks to all who participated in the conference Competence Theory, Research and Practice and my Farewell Address on October 20. The participation in both events was overwhelming and heartwarming. There are ample opportunities to get the results of the events. Check for Conference details, including PPTs of keynote speakers, Check the Farewell Address live at: Check the Farewell Address Text, PPT and pictures at: Check the book Competence-based Vocational and Professional Education at Many people have asked me: 'What's next?' I will stay active in the field, although with less intensity. I will guide PhD candidates until 2022, and publish a bit more. But you may not see me at the next conferences.
(Contributed by Martin Mulder <[email protected]>)

Bergamo conference proceedings: The Future of Work
International conference "The Future of Work: A Matter of Sustainability" organized by the University of Bergamo and ADAPT (University of Bergamo, 10-12 November 2016)
Technological progress and changes in demography and climate are only some of the aspects affecting the world of work. Currently, trades, professions, skills, contractual arrangements, places and times of work are undergoing changes at unprecedented speed and through new interactions. Against this ever-changing backdrop, international institutions wonder about the future of work. While, at first, the focus has been on the need to protect employment levels, increasing attention is now given to the quality of work. This is because there seems to be a growing awareness that the challenges and the opportunities accompanying the future of work depend not only on the economic conditions related to work activity, but also on the ways work itself is organized. In view of the above, the aim of the conference was to examine the multiple facets of the future of work from an interdisciplinary and comparative perspective. The conference covered the following five macro-thematic areas: (I) Technological Progress and Digitalisation of Work (II) Demographic Changes (III) Climate Change, Natural Disasters and Local Potential (IV) The Role of Skills and Trades in Transitional Labour Markets (V) Geography and Work in a Changing World. Conference proceedings will be available here:
(Contributed by Francesca Sperotti <[email protected]>)

NOTE: Forthcoming and recent events related to European research in work and learning are listed on the WIFO Conference page [].  

Networks and Organisations

Summer Days: Disciplinary struggles in the history of education
The 13th Summer Days of the History and Philosophy of Education will take place at the University of Tampere, Finland, 7-9th June 2017, on the subject of "Disciplinary Struggles in the History of Education", in collaboration with the research group Equality and Planetary Justice in Adult, Vocational and Higher Education, the research programme Freedom and Responsibility of Popular Adult Education, The Finnish Society for Research on Adult Education, the research network Vocational Education and Culture and the ESREA network Active Democratic Citizenship and Adult Learning. We invite abstracts of presentations (max 1 page) in English and Finnish by the end of February 2017. For submission of abstracts and information about the event see website See also
(Info received from Anja Heikkinen <[email protected]>)

Your guide: Who's who in transnational European VET and HRD research
The Directory of Professional Contacts (, maintained by the Research Forum WIFO, serves as a Who's who, offering up-to-date information on more than 200 contacts across 30 countries in the field of transnational European VET and HRD research. Each person included in the DPC is both a producer of transnational research and an active transnational networker. The criteria for inclusion in the DPC, and and the references to individual professional work are explained in the introduction. They relate to evidence of transnational activities presented in WIFO resources of European collaboration such as the Bookshelf, Overview of articles, Conference page, ECER VETNET Proceedings and Overview of HRD conference papers, Networks at a glance and Overview of projects. The DPC is updated continuously as part of European collaboration in VET and HRD research.
(Contributed by Sabine Manning)

NOTE: References to research networks in the field of European work and learning are available on the WIFO page Networks at a glance []. Major online resources related to European research networks include the ECER VETNET Proceedings ( offering a complete and up-to-date collection of conference papers submitted since 1998, and the Overview of selected HRD conference papers (


PhD Workshop: Inclusiveness in dual VET systems
Call for Papers for an upcoming PhD Workshop on "Improving inclusiveness in dual VET systems", organized by Giuliano Bonoli at the University of Lausanne and the GOVPET Leading House. University of Lausanne, 4-5 May 2017
The main objective of this graduate workshop is to discuss research on institutions, tools and interventions that aim at making dual VET system more inclusive, i.e. more accessible to youth with a disadvantaged background. In addition, we are also interested in research on other GOVPET general topics i.e. the governance of VET systems, the actors and constellations of actors involved in VET and the cooperation between these. In order to apply, please send an abstract of about 500 words to Anna Wilson ([email protected]) before 15th December 2016. GOVPET can cover costs for accommodation and subsistence. Travel costs must be financed by participants. Call for Papers: (Call: PDF)
(Info received from Lukas Graf <[email protected]>)
NOTE: Contributions are welcome for the next edition of the Directory of Doctoral Dissertations (, provided as part of the WIFO Gateway, which focuses on European research in the field of vocational education (VET) and human resource development (HRD). Please provide information on expected or newly completed doctoral dissertations investigating issues of HRD, VET or work-related adult education, according to the following pattern: 1*Theme of dissertation (original language AND English); 2*Year of (expected) completion or publication; 3*Author (name and email address); 4*Tutor (name and email address); 5*Institution of tutor (name and home page). Contributions should be posted by email to the editor ([email protected]).


New platform I-LINK
A new platform at the intersection of ICT based training, youth entrepreneurship and inclusion, supported by the European Commission through its Horizon2020 programme
The platform I-LINC ( addresses researchers as well as practitioners in these thematic fields in order to link their activities. The idea of this new platform is to create new insights, cooperation and projects between ICT-based training, youth entrepreneurship and inclusion. I-LINC offers a best practice database, stakeholder repositories, an event calendar (also featuring VETNET events), policy briefs and learning opportunities as well as (offline) conferences with travel grants for selected registered users. I-LINC is hosted by Telefónica (linked to their "Wayra"/"Open Future" initiative), facilitated by European Schoolnet (for the formal learning branch) and Telecentre Europe (for the informal learning branch) and Sozialforschungsstelle of Technische Universität Dortmund (evaluation and quality assurance). All content and activities of I-LINC are free and public. If you register as a user, you can highlight your own organization, best practices and projects. I-LINC is also accepting suggestions for events and papers from external authors for publishing on their platform. Authors of papers that are published at I-LINC can register for travel funding to I-LINC events. For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact: Bastian Pelka, Technische Universität Dortmund: [email protected]
(Contributed by Bastian Pelka)

BIBB project: Dual training in international comparison
Researchers from BIBB are conducting a research project "Dual training as a strategy to safeguard skilled labor supply" to investigate the companies' willingness to provide dual training in a number of European states (Portugal, France, Spain, Italy, Slovakia and England). This is expected to produce answers to the question of which factors contribute towards motivating companies to participate in the highly varied forms of "work-based" learning which exist in formalized vocational education and training in the different countries. The project focuses on dual training in the car service and automotive sector. In cooperation with the Korean Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET), BIBB's partner institute, the international project has now expanded its scope to South Korea. The BIBB researchers joined their Korean colleagues in carrying out qualitative interviews with motor vehicle service companies. The aim is to use case studies to learn more about the motivational structure which encourages Korean firms to commit to training. In this context, the researchers also attended KRIVET's Third International Conference on Apprenticeship Training, where Dr. Philipp Grollmann and Dr. Anika Jansen presented latest data on VET in Germany and spoke about the major challenges being faced. For more information on the project see
(Contributed by Anika Jansen <[email protected]>)

TITA Project
The TITA project started in 2014 and will run for three years. It is funded by the European Commission, and equips decision makers and multi-disciplinary teams on the ground and their trainers with tools for taking action to prevent high school dropouts. Within the TITA project, Céreq is in charge of the assessment of the experiments in France, Luxembourg and Switzerland. The assessment protocol in these three countries has been designed to allow international comparisons, as well as to permit a perception of local particularities. While each experiment has a specific form, all of them are dedicated to early school leaving (ESL) prevention within schools. In this context, Céreq's assessments aim to analyse practices and tools that exist in the schools to prevent ESL. The assessment protocol is based on a mixed comprehensive and statistical method, intended to take place in three different waves - following the three years of the TITA project. More information at Contact: Dominique Maillard <[email protected]>
(Info received from Céreq News n°5, fall 2016)
NOTE: Contributions are invited to update the Overview of European research projects [], provided as part of the WIFO Gateway. The overview focuses on transnational research projects, mainly supported by EU programmes, in the areas of human resource development, vocational education, work and learning. Please send the following information to the editor ([email protected]):  (A) exact title and acronym (short name) of the project; (B) name and email address of the coordinator or main contact; (C) address of the website (or info page/ flyer) of the project. Contact: Sabine Manning


Call for manuscripts: Entrepreneurship Education
Entrepreneurship Education with Impact: Opening the Black Box. Special issue of the Journal "Education Research International"
Entrepreneurship Education (EE) has become recognized as a way of developing expertise and readiness to face the challenges of modern labor markets in the context of work as well as the general context of an individual's life. Practitioners and policy makers commend the benefits of EE. Nonetheless, scientific studies on EE are more critical. There is a clear need to go beyond the current narrow "intention" models of measuring the impact of EE, as EE is more than a 'factory' for creating high potential start-ups. It is suggested that the impact of EE lies in the development of 21st century skills such as creativity and complex problem solving, non-cognitive skills like social competence and resilience and even the broader fostering of  employability, identity building and lifelong learning. In line of the above we argue that, to understand EE's full, broad potential, more thorough, methodological advanced, in-depth studies are necessary. This includes studies addressing modern educational outcomes and investigating in-depth learning activities, learner and learning environment characteristics, and the development of entrepreneurial competencies in initial as well as in post-initial work-based learning EE settings. In this special issue on EE, we invite manuscripts that address these issues. Deadline: 24 February 2017. More information can be found via:
(Contributed by Thomas Lans <[email protected]>)

Call for papers: Journal of International Mobility
The French national Agency for Erasmus+ / Education & Training is calling for contributions for the fifth issue of its annual scientific publication entitled Journal of International Mobility: Moving for Education, Training and Research, which brings together scholarly articles on all aspects of international mobility as part of education and training in Europe and around the world. The members of the reading committee will select articles resulting from research, studies and experiments which fall under the following theme: International mobility: brain drain, brain gain? Developments in situations and concepts. They may relate to general education, higher education and adult education, as well as to both initial and continuing vocational training. Please send your article to: [email protected], by 27 February 2017. The Instructions and Submission Guidelines for the authors are presented on the web page: Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.
(Info received from Revue <[email protected]>)

The International Journal of HRD Practice, Policy & Research
Issue 2 published: Dr Rick Holden notes in the Editorial: "The Editorial Board have been keen to encourage contributors, whatever the type of article, to address implications for practice; the classic 'so what' question. This is still work in progress but I believe we are moving in the right direction." Articles in the issue address #the  search for a model of Learning & Development practice #self-directed learning #mentoring for females working in investment banking #the benefits of coach development ... for the coach #Investors in People and Business Excellence in the United Arab Emirates #the impact of the global financial crisis on HRD in two Greek banks. The HRD Forum section of the Journal includes an interview with David Fairhurst, Chief People Officer for McDonald's, where the 'democratisation of leadership' is a discussion theme of real significance. The Journal is available online at or, if you would like a hard copy, contact Rick Holden, Editor, on [email protected]
Call for Papers, 2017: The Editors are encouraging the submission of possible papers for the 2017 volume.  Articles which embrace a scholar-practitioner perspective as regards HRD practice and policy are particularly welcome. Contact the editors at [email protected] for any queries or to discuss a possible submission.
(Contributed by Rick Holden)

Transnational Perspectives on VET
Internationalization in Vocational Education and Training: Transnational Perspectives. Editors: Tran, Ly Thi; Dempsey, Kate. Springer, December 2016 [Info]
This is the first book to address the internationalization of VET across different countries. It addresses a range of aspects of internationalization in vocational education and training (VET) in different countries. It considers the impact of internationalization and student mobility on VET at the sectoral, institutional and individual levels, as the sector emerges as a key tool for social and structural change in developing nations and as a flexible and entrepreneurial means of growth in developed nations.The book explores not only the effects of the neo-liberal market principle underpinning VET practices and reforms, but importantly considers internationalization as a powerful force for change in vocational education and training. As the first volume in the world that examines internationalization practices in VET, the book provides VET and international education policymakers, practitioners, researchers and educators with both conceptual knowledge and practical insights into the implementation of internationalization in VET. Here is the book's product page:  You can download the brochure.
(Info received from Kate Dempsey <[email protected]>)

PIAAC evidence on vocational vs. general education
Vocational vs. General Education and Employment over the Life-Cycle: New Evidence from PIAAC. Franziska Hampf and Ludger Woessmann. CVER Research Paper. November 2016
It has been argued that vocational education facilitates the school-to-work transition but reduces later adaptability to changing environments. Using the recent international PIAAC (Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies) data, we confirm such a trade-off over the life-cycle in a difference-in-differences model that compares employment rates across education type and age. An initial employment advantage of individuals with vocational rather than general education turns into a disadvantage later in life. Results are strongest in apprenticeship countries that provide the highest intensity of industry-based vocational education. Further details and the full paper are available on the CVER website (Centre for Vocational Education Research at The London School of Economics and Political Science) 
(Info received from CVER Newsletter c/o <[email protected]>)

Graduates' transitions between education and work
Mariana Gaio Alves and Vesa Korhonen (2016). Transitions and trajectories from higher education to work and back - A comparison between Finnish and Portuguese graduates. European Educational Research Journal. Volume 15, Issue 6 [Details]
There is growing evidence that transitions from education to work (and from work to education) can take place several times and occur at different points in an individual's life cycle. This paper's overall intention is to contribute to a deeper understanding of higher education graduates' transitions between education and work shortly after graduation. This contribution draws on the secondary analysis of data collected throughout the employability surveys answered by masters graduates from two universities (Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Tampere University) in different countries (respectively, Portugal and Finland). Aiming at advancing comparative analysis that facilitates illustrating the diversity within Europe in this field, a theoretical framework is outlined that comprises societal factors, local constellations of institutional systems (in higher education and in the world of work) and individual agency. Aspects such as the occupational specificities of the degrees, the institutional reputation of the universities and segmentations of national labour markets are also considered in the analysis. Results suggest many similarities but also significant differences within the transitions experienced by masters graduates from the two universities, reinforcing the idea that employability is the result of a complex set of factors and variables within a changing inter-relationship of higher education and work.
(Contributed by Mariana Gaio Alves <[email protected]>)

National qualifications frameworks in a multi-level context
Mari Elken (2016). 'EU-on-demand': Developing national qualifications frameworks in a multi-level context. European Educational Research Journal. Volume 15, Issue 6 [Details]
The development of comprehensive national qualifications frameworks (NQFs) across Europe was inspired by the introduction of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) in 2008. Taking an institutional perspective, this article examines the development of NQFs in three countries, in the light of developments that have taken place at the European level. The three cases (Estonia, Ireland, Norway) show how these processes very much depend on the links to the European level, the sequence of the process, how the European initiative is coupled to national issues, actor involvement locally and the time available. The article shows the potentially problematic nature of introducing European solutions at a national level, as agenda-setting processes tend to be omitted and ad hoc linkages to national policy domains can be insufficiently developed.
(Info received from EERJ mailing list)

Adult skill formation in the globalising learning economy
Lundvall, Bengt-Åke; Rasmussen, Palle (2016). Challenges for adult skill formation in the globalising learning economy - a European perspective.  International Journal of Lifelong Education. Volume 35, Issue 3. [Details]
The globalising learning economy driven by more intense competition and the wide use of information and communication technologies is characterised by rapid change in technologies and markets. At the level of labour markets and within enterprises, this is reflected in continuous change in skill requirements for employees. This is true for all parts of the world economy. In this paper, the focus is on Europe and developments in the first decade of the new millennium. The major challenge for Europe is to counter the inherent trend, reinforced by the crisis, towards unequal access to learning both in work and in education. Without a new new deal that gives privileged access to vocational education and training for those with little education, the economic performance of Europe will be undermined. Such a new new deal must be a fundamental element in the effort to lift Europe out of its current crisis.
(Info received from Palle Rasmussen <[email protected]>)

NOTE: Updates on publications provided by the WIFO Gateway include the WIFO Bookshelf [], a collection of references to publications focusing on cross-European issues of work and learning, and "From the Journals" - Overview of articles on cross-European issues in VET and HRD research [], selected from European and international Journals related to education research [].


Editor of the L&W Newsletter: Dr Sabine Manning, Research Forum WIFO ([email protected]);
Address: Neue Blumenstr. 1, D-10179 Berlin, Germany;
Editions of the L&W Newsletter: six times a year, every two months (at the beginning of February, April, June, August, October, December);
Deadline for contributions to the L&W Newsletter: end of January, March, May, July, September, November;
Circulation of the current L&W Newsletter: about 1500 experts in 40 countries (mostly Europe);
Details and Archive of the L&W Newsletter [].

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