CR&DALL has been informing readers recently on the development of adult education during the last fifty years through the Conference Proceedings which has put all speeches, keynotes, reports and papers together which were presented during the International Conference in 2021.
Today we are providing respective details on the book Reigniting Hope: 50 Years of Adult Education in Tanzania which has been edited by Budd L. Hall, Philemon A. Mushi and Philipo L. Sanga, published by Dar es Salaam University Press. Attached are the preliminaries, including the table of content, bios of authors and editors, and a sample chapter.
The book has eight chapters written by colleagues involved in the process, some of them from right at the beginning like Hall, Kassam or Mushi. The chapters cover the vision on adult education by Julius Nyerere, the late President of the United Republic of Tanzania, and a renowned adult educator himself. Other chapters look at the role of higher and distance education, financing, and gender aspects.
The final chapter presents the story of 50 years of cooperation in Tanzanian adult education through a partnership with the Germany through DVV International.
Extracts from the book - The Table of Contents, Chapter Eight, and Authors' Biographies - are featured below and attached...
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