The (proposed) Teaching Excellence Framework: Whose world-view is this anyway?

Institute of Education, UCL
20 Bedford Way
London WC1H 0AL
United Kingdom
Friday, 6 May, 2016 - 00:00

A one-day seminar, hosted by the BERA HE SIG and held at the Institute of Education, will investigate the extent to which HE practice is currently constituted according to the experiences, evidence, ideas and values of its key constituents. The convenors invite proposals that explore the interface between the politics and practices of higher education, in the form of close-to-practice research in or on education, and its inter-relations with other disciplinary fields and professional practices.

Specifically, we are keen to develop an evidence-base for learning and teaching in HE that is generated through, as well as informed by, research that problematizes the apparent necessity for a Teaching Excellence Frameworkin the form that it is currently conceptualised.

Participants will be asked, firstly, to present their own research and its significance in relation to these or similar themes; secondly, to respond, in the form of critical discussions, to the issues arising from the Autumn and Spring issues of BERA Research Intelligence, 2015/16 on the TEF (URLS will be circulated in advance). A report of the presentations and summary of discussions will then be submitted to Research Intelligence with a view to continuing to construct an alternative/amended proposition, for practitioners by practitioners in the field.

Please send a 200 word summary of your research, indicating briefly how it might inform discussion on the TEF, to Marie Blythe at [email protected] by 31st March 2016.

Alternatively you can email one of the convenors: Colin McCaig [email protected], Amanda French [email protected], or Victoria Perselli [email protected], for informal discussion on your proposal.

Price: BERA members: Free; Non-BERA members £40.00


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