RELA calls for papers


There are currently 4 calls for papers available at the RELA website. The closest deadline is in a few days for the thematic issue on cartographies of research on adult education and learning:

Thematic issue of RELA

Non-traditional participants in adult education and learning - the (scientific) discipline as agent for change. Submission deadline: 30th November, 2014

pdf  Call for papers Thematic Issue - Non-traditional

Thematic issue of RELA: Dignity, Solidarity and Responsibility, Submission deadline: 30th of November, 2014.

pdf  Call for papers Thematic Issue - Dignity

Thematic issue of RELA: Cartographies of research on adult education and learning. Submission deadline: June 15, 2014.

pdf  Call for papers Thematic Issue - Cartigraphies


Open Papers

Call for non-thematic research papers.

pdf  Call for Open Papers (pdf)


Best regards
Andreas Fejes 
Professor and Chair of Adult Education Research (Vuxenpedagogik)
Prodean for research and doctoral studies, Faculty of Educational Sciences
Editor of the European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults (RELA)

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