We are pleased to present a series of summary reports from the Strengthening the Regional Engagement Role of Universities in Africa and Asia (SRERUAA) project in Cape Town.
This project came about as a result of the Scottish Funding Council having provided the University of Glasgow with a Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) grant to support cutting edge research that addresses the challenges faced by ODA/LMIC countries. The project concerns the regional engagement (third mission) role of universities, namely those activities that lie outside the core missions of research and teaching, and is a development of approaches used with the PASCAL Universities Regional Engagement (PURE). The project is led by PASCAL Director for Europe, Michael Osborne, together with Muir Houston and Katarzyna Borkowska both also from the University of Glasgow.
The partners in the project, all shown in the above photograph, are Marius Venter (PASCAL Director, Africa) and Lorraine Greyling, University of Johannesburg, Mpoki Mwaikokesya, (a former PhD student from at the University of Glasgow) and Heriel Moshi, (both University of Dar es Salem), Professor Charles Nherara, University of Zimbabwe, Tendai Nhenga, (Africa University, Zimbabwe), Kamal Ketuly and Sizar Dosky, (both, University of Duhok, Iraq) Nematollah Azizi and Lamiah Hashemi (both University of Kurdistan, Iran )and Dr Zenaida Reyes and Jenina Nalipay (both, Philippines National University).
The meeting also included Chris Duke, Academic Director of the PURE project, who provided an overview of previous work and Enrico Jacobs, Vice-Chancellor of the Belgian Campus, Pretoria, co-host of the next PASCAL conference.
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The project on University Community Engagement in Zimbabwe presented by Professor Charles Nherera and Dr Tendai Nhenga focused on strengthening of the informal sector. It is premised on the belief that given the right support, the informal sector can grow into a viable SME sector that contributes more meaningfully to the national economy through increased production of quality goods and services. Universities need to engage more in research that provides entrepreneurs in the informal sector with knowledge and skills in the origination and development of design of new products, production of high quality products, costing, and marketing of products to enable them to operate more viably.
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Prof. Dr. Kamal Ketuly and Dr. Sizar Abid Mohammed focused on the Duhok governorate, which lies in the far north-west of Iraq and forms the western governorate in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region. It has a strategic location since it is considered to be the joining point between Syria- Turkey- Iraq. Suburban areas of Duhok City are Zakho, Akre and Amedye.
The presentations considered social issues. The University of Duhok (UoD) through its college of Medicine is graduating students to work in the various health departments and is assisting the health department in various aspects of research. The health services and education are free. Duhok city is a mixture of various historically integrated cultures ethnic and religious cultures, and after the ISIS (DAAESH) occupation of Mosul the entire academic, non academic and students of Mosul university, IDPs (850,000) and refugees from Syria (250,000) have been giving temporary offices within the campus of the UoD. Many of these students have been accepted as guests, and overall this influx of refugees presents major challenges.
When together the low prices for crude oil and gas, the high influx number of refugees, the cost establishment of refugee camps and the high cost of the military war operations in fighting against terrorists (ISIS), and for security, we observe very significant challenges economically and socially.
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Dr. Zenaida Q. Reyes and Dr. Ma. Jenina N. Nalipay presented the case of Manila. The presentation described the socioeconomic, cultural, political, and environmental profile and issues of Manila in the context of how HEIs develop and implement their community engagement programs. Two major points were identified:
- Although there were no deliberate efforts on the part of HEIs to align their programs with the agenda of the city, somehow they were able to address some of the agenda on the basis of the needs assessment in their partner communities; and
- HEIs operate their community engagement based on their direct observation of community needs, rather than being guided by the national policies.
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Professor Nematollah Azizi and Ms. Lamiah Hashemi presented the case of the Kurdistan region in Iran. They considered a number of economic challenges for the region including those related to agriculture, unemployment, transport infrastucture, lack of external investment and the lack of relationship between education and industry.
They also presented a range of social issues related to health, welfare and unemployment, and a range of environmental challenges related to agricultural practices, de-forestation and water sanitation. These issues were related to the priorities of the HE system, and the challenges of achieving the third mission.
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Dr Mpoki Mwaikokesya and Dr Heriel Moshi of the University of Dar es Salem presented the case of Tanzania. In recent years, higher learning institutions in Tanzania have become key to improved social welfare, sustained growth of communities and increased competitiveness.
This presentation focused on describing the Tanzanian national profile in connection with the project on Strengthening the Regional Engagement Role of Universities in Africa and Asia (SRERUAA). It analyses several shifts and changes made by higher education institutions in their attempts to become relevant and responsive to society. It further examines national policy thrusts and contexts influencing universities’ regional engagement role.
They also took the opportunity to find their way to the very south of Africa!!
Elgin - EcCoWell
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Dr Marius Venter and Professor Lorraine Greyling presented two cases. Marius Venter, who is PASCAL Director for Africa and directs Cenled, University of Johannesburg, provided an overview of a newly established college (Elgin-ECCOWELL) for strengthening the entrepreneurial-ecosystem in the Overberg in Western Cape . The college’s focus areas are economically, socially and environmental transformation of the communities through applied research, skills-development programs and incubation programs.
The Department of Higher Education in South Africa identified entrepreneurship development as a priority area and supports the college as a pilot project. The college will also be developed to provide research infrastructure and/or internship opportunities in Local Economic Development or related areas for post-graduate students from the PASCAL network.
Lorraine Greyling, also currently at the University of Johannesburg, but soon at the University of Zululand, presented details of the Economics and Entrepreneurship Education Program (TEEEP), a three-unit sequential educational program for children in Grades 5-7, developed by Northern Illinois University for use in after-school settings in South Africa. The goal of the program is to empower children with knowledge and skills for effective participation in the economy, including entrepreneurial skills that broaden their opportunities. Providing children with a solid foundation in economics and entrepreneurship when they are still in elementary grades opens their eyes to new career possibilities and helps them see the benefits of education and training, thus increasing their chances of being well-prepared for the world of work and becoming entrepreneurs.
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