The impact of the Scholarship Project
As well as developing a framework of resources, a key ambition of the project has been to capture what has been going on in the college HE community and regularly disseminate that to the whole sector. This has led to several publications and the development of a community of practice discussing scholarship within college HE. We will continue with these approaches as the project moves into the its next phase.
The Scholarship Project has produced 58 think pieces on a broad range of topics related to scholarship and college HE.
A recent think piece, written by Sarah Crowson, Scholarship Development Manager at Hereford College of Arts, discusses the idea of a think piece itself and invites everyone to consider writing one.
We have also produced 66 case studies which focus on innovative practice related to scholarship on professional and technical HE courses, throughout college HE, both in the UK and internationally.
The Scholarship Project has held four annual research and scholarship conferences, attracting keynote speakers from around the world, providing a platform for practitioners to report on their on-going projects related to scholarship and college HE.
The proceedings from the first three conferences have been edited into three conference publications. Damian Fidler, Scholarship Development Manager based at Nottingham College, has provided a sketch for the 2018 conference.
The project has also been able to establish a growing community of practice, with practitioners from around the world, sharing their knowledge and ideas on how to develop and enhance college HE. We hope this community will flourish further and we invite everyone to contribute to it. A new Community of Practice area of the Scholarship Framework will help to coordinate this work, which will include invitations to contribute to sustaining the framework. The Community of Practice will be open to everyone when the website goes live.
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