Second call for papers - UALL Work and Learning Network 2016 Annual Conference - Middlesex University


Managing the diverse needs of higher education, what are the implications of the changing nature of learning through work?

Conference date: Friday, 24 June 2016

Keynote Speaker: Professor Karen Evans (Institute of Education, University College London)

Conference Venue: University of the Arts, 272 High Holborn, London WC1V 7EY Cost: £90 (including conference refreshments and lunch)

Conference Theme:

Many practitioners, scholars, and researchers work across a wide range within higher education and are aware of the cultural implications for the curriculum, the geographic differences, and how technology is now being used to communicate. This conference hopes to bring together contributions from this wide range of practice and to discuss how work and learning professionals are involved in these developments.

The conference will address the following themes:

  • workforce development, corporate degrees, and/or apprenticeships, as approaches that attempt to enhance prosperity and well-being by valuing people and organisations;
  • the changing role of higher education that embraces work and learning;
  • the opportunities and challenges of facilitating and sharing practice e.g. the use of technology in learning and the upcoming teaching excellence framework.

It can be argued that most learning models have either underplayed the influence of context, or have approached this issue mechanically. It is therefore hoped that the concept of workplace 'context' and the learning which occurs within and between the dynamic frameworks of professional practice and learning will be energetically debated.

Proposals for Conference presentations/workshops (300-500 words maximum) should be
sent to the co-convenors by the 15th of April 2016:

Elda Nikolou-Walker ([email protected])
Paula Nottingham ([email protected])

Proposals from new researchers are particularly welcome.

Conference presentations will be considered for development into articles for possible inclusion in a special edition of the Journal of Higher Education, Skills and Work Based Learning.

or in the Middlesex University’s e-journal: ‘Work Based Learning e-journal International’

Booking Fees: £90 including conference refreshments and lunch (Accommodation Excluded)

How to book:

Conference Administration

Paul Stapleton - [email protected]


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