Social inequalities in education: why and how national institutional factors matter

The Royal College of Physicians
9 Queen Street
Edinburgh EH2 1JQ
United Kingdom
Wednesday, 11 November, 2015 - 00:00

The Applied Quantitative Methods Network (AQMeN) presents Social inequalities in education: why and how national institutional factors matter. This AQMeN event is part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science and brings international comparative research to the debate around widening access to higher education.

Featuring a key note speech from Professor Adam Gamoran, President of the William T Grant Foundation, New York, we will also hear from Dame Ruth Silver, Chair of the Scottish Government Commission on Widening Access  and our international expert panel on the challenges of inequalities in the higher education systems in Germany, Ireland and the UK and discuss the potential for learning across countries and contexts and the implications for policy and practice in Scotland.  Join us for a lively day of debate and discussion!

Date: Wednesday 11th November, 2015

Time: 09:00-16:15             

Location: The Royal College of Physicians, 9 Queen Street, Edinburgh

This event is free however booking is essential. Register via Eventbrite


Social inequalities in higher education: why and how ...

Eventbrite - AQMeN presents Social inequalities in higher education: why and how national institutional factors matter - Wednesday, 11 November 2015 at Royal College ...



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