Social role of colleges: Universities of Applied Sciences in Switzerland and lessons for colleges in other systems

University of Toronto
27 King's College Cir
Toronto, ON M5S 1A1
Wednesday, 22 June, 2022 - 10:00 to 11:30
Social role of colleges: Universities of Applied Sciences in Switzerland

Our third seminar in our series on the social role of colleges will be on 22nd June from 10 – 11.30 EST. It will be by Dr Jakob Kost, who is a visiting scholar with us, and a lecturer at Bern University of Teacher Education in Switzerland. He will be discussing Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences – this will be of special interest to those working in colleges that offer bachelor's degrees and undertake applied research, but are thinking about whether they should venture into offering master's degrees.

Please circulate among your networks! We will be recording the seminar.

Very best



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 Register in advance for Dr. Jakob Kost’s seminar!


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