We warmly invite you to the side event 'Adult learning and education as a lever for transformation' at the Transforming Education Pre-Summit on 29 June 2022, 8:30-10:00h, at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris.
The event, hosted by the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning and the Kingdom of Morocco, will present the outcomes of the Seventh International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VII) and contribute to transforming education by discussing how to implement the commitments made through the adoption of the Marrakech Framework for Action. Ministers of education from all world regions will present their policies and programmes on adult learning and education and explain how they will work towards a right to lifelong learning.
Date and place: 29 June 2022, 8:30-10:00h CET, Room X, UNESCO Headquarters
Programme: Download [featured below]
About the Seventh International Conference on Adult Education
The International Conference on Adult Education is a UNESCO intergovernmental conference for policy dialogue on adult learning and education and related research and advocacy. CONFINTEA VII took place from 15 to 17 June 2022 in Marrakech, Morocco. With the adoption of the CONFINTEA VII Marrakech Framework for Action on 17 June 2022, representatives of over 140 countries committed to translating the vision of a right to lifelong learning into reality. They committed to significantly expanding participation in adult learning and increasing public funding and resource mobilization for adult learning and education programmes.
From 15 to 17 June 2022, participants from across the globe came together for the Seventh International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VII) in Marrakech, Morocco. They took stock of achievements in adult learning and education, discussed challenges, and developed a new framework for action to make adult learning and education a reality around the world – the Marrakech Framework for Action.
CONFINTEA VII is one of the key conferences preparing the ground for the Transforming Education Summit (TES) and the renewal of the commitment by member states to education and lifelong learning as a pre-eminent public good. The Marrakech Framework for Action will guide Member States in their policies and actions in adult learning and education over the next decade which is particularly relevant for the TES Action Track 2, focusing on learning and skills for life, work and sustainable development.
The TES side event, hosted by the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning together with the Kingdom of Morocco, will present outcomes of CONFINTEA and discuss how the implementation of the Marrakech Framework for Action can contribute to transforming education over the next decade. The event will particularly focus on the call of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres for the formal recognition of a universal entitlement to lifelong learning and reskilling, translated into practice through legislation, policy and effective lifelong learning systems (Our Common Agenda, 2021, p.28).
Livestream: http://webcast.unesco.org/events/2022-06-TES-Pre-Summit/
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