UALL Work and Learning Network 2017 Annual Conference Second Notification


Please see featured below and attached the second call for papers for the UALL Work and Learning Network 2017 Annual Conference, taking place at Middlesex University, Friday 23 June 2017. The conference will draw on a number of interesting themes.

We would be grateful if you could inform us as quickly as possible regarding your contributions (e.g. abstracts, papers etc.) so that we are able to let you know the outcome in good time.

If there are further queries, please feel free to email the conference co-convenors: Elda Nikolou-Walker [email protected] and Paula Nottingham [email protected]  

Booking for the conference can be found on this link

We will be putting updates on our network website

With best wishes,


Paula and Elda

Elda Nikolou-Walker [email protected]
Paula Nottingham [email protected]
Dr Paula Nottingham
Middlesex University (C248)
London NW4 4BT
Skype paulanottingham


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