UCU transforming lives and communities


Further Education opens its doors to diverse communities and unites women, their families and communities in challenging inequality. It is a critical space for social justice.

I am leading a UCU 'transforming lives and communities' research project with Dr Rob Smith. For more information see:   http://transforminglives.web.ucu.org.uk/about-this-project/


Overview of the project – Further Education in England ...

Transformational Further Education: Empowering People & Communities

This research aims to understand and provide evidence of how the further education (FE) sector is vital in transforming lives and communities in 21st century Britain. To provide a frame of reference, which is underpinned and driven by excellence in the sector, the study will provide learners and teachers with the opportunity to tell their stories, linking the distinctness of FE to the impact it has on individuals, society and the economy, and strongly drawing out the role of the teacher in making a difference to quality teaching and learning.


As part of the UCU 'transforming lives and communities' research project -  a report has been developed (see attached) and a video driven by the inspiring voices of women:

Women & further education

Extracts from an interview from the "FE in England: Transforming Lives and Communities Project" - carried out by Vicky Duckworth & Rob Smith and commissioned...


Best wishes



Dr Vicky Duckworth

This research, sponsored by University and College Union (UCU), aims to provide evidence of how the FE sector is vital in transforming lives and communities in Britain. Dr Vicky Duckworth of Edge Hill University and Dr Rob Smith of Birmingham City University are researching the distinctive impact of FE, what makes an outstanding teachers and how funding needs to change to support transformational learning.



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