As the year 2020 comes to a close, I wish to thank you all for your interest in and actions to promote lifelong learning across the globe. I thank the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning’s partners for their outstanding collaboration over the past twelve months.
Together, we have risen to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, and have found innovative and creative ways of reinforcing the provision of lifelong learning opportunities for all, despite the harsh environment. While the pandemic has had devastating impacts on education, economies and societies around the world, it has also forced us to explore new learning modalities, and underlined the tremendous importance of lifelong learning.
Looking forward, I am confident that we can draw on these lessons and take the pandemic as a further, urgent call to make a holistic vision of lifelong learning into a reality.
This final UIL Bulletin of 2020 provides you with information about the UIL Governing Board meeting, a number of webinars hosted by the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities, and the new publications we have in store for you.
Wishing you a good read and, above all, a peaceful and happy holiday season!
David Atchoarena
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