The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) would like to let you know about its publications, which are free for download from UNESCO’s online publications database, UNESDOC.
Many of you will know UIL as the convener of the CONFINTEA conferences, which are held approximately every 10 to 12 years, and as the producer of the triennial Global Report on Adult Learning and Education. UIL is a non-profit international institute of UNESCO. It undertakes research, capacity-building, networking and publication on lifelong learning with a focus on adult and continuing education, literacy and non-formal basic education. Its publications are a valuable resource for educational researchers, planners, policymakers and practitioners. Below you will find a list of some of the Institute’s major publications on the following themes:
- Africa and Lifelong Learning
- Asia and Lifelong Learning
- Literacy
- Policy in Adult Learning and Education
- Youth and Lifelong Learning
Please note that many other UIL publications can be accessed via the Institute’s catalogue. If you wish to order hard copies of any of these publications, please contact the UIL Publications Unit at [email protected]. We also have a limited number of free subscriptions to our journal, International Review of Education. Please contact us if you are interested.
Action Research: Measuring Literacy Programme Participants’ Learning Outcomes. Results of the First Phase (2011–2014) Madina Bolly, Nicolas Jonas UIL, 2015, 85 pages ISBN 978-92-820-1202-4
RAMAA aims to develop, implement and collaborate in the creation of a methodological approach to measure acquired learning and study the various factors that influence its development. This report examines how RAMAA I has been implemented over the past four years in five participating countries: Burkina Faso, Mali, Morocco, Niger and Senegal. It assesses the institutional and technical implementation of the project while identifying challenges and discussing lessons learned. The goal of this mid-term review is to provide strategic guidance for RAMAA II and to enable countries to utilize the results. |
Action Research to Improve Youth and Adult Literacy: Empowering Learners in a Multilingual World Hassana Alidou and Christine Glanz (Eds.) UIL, 2015, 220 pages ISBN 978-92-820-1192-8
One of the greatest challenges in education today is to adapt and respond to a linguistically and culturally diverse world, and to combat social disintegration and discrimination. Participatory and collaborative action research represents an empowering and emancipatory approach to this challenge because the ‘target groups’ become involved as equal partners. This book provides guidance for trainers of youth and adult educators and for those who manage non-formal education and curriculum development programmes in youth and adult literacy. It is also aimed at publishers and authors who want to improve their services and products by collaborating more closely with their readerships. |
Élaboration du cadre normatif dans une approche sectorielle de l’éducation en République démocratique du Congo : enjeux, défis et perspectives UIL Series on Lifelong Learning Policies and Strategies No. 4 Abdel-Rahamane Baba-Moussa, Christine Glanz and Anton De Grauwe UIL and the International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP), 2014, 57 pages ISBN 978-92-820-2114-9
In the context of UNESCO’s Capacity Development Programme for Education for All, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and UNESCO developed a normative framework with a sector-wide approach to education. In view of the current international interest in lifelong learning policies, the creation of such a normative framework is of interest to many countries. This publication shares the reflections and analysis undertaken with the three ministries in charge of primary, secondary, vocational and higher education and non-formal youth and adult education. It analyses the national context and the constraints that emerge from it for the organization of education, reviews existing norms and their application, and discusses challenges and perspectives. Download: FRENCH |
Policy Guide on the Integration of African Languages and Cultures into Education Systems UIL, the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) and the Burkina Faso Ministry of Basic Education and Literacy, 2010, 11 pages. ISBN 978-92-9178-101-0
From 20 to 22 January 2010, UIL and the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) held a Ministerial Conference in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, on the Integration of African Languages and Cultures into Education. The main outcome of the conference was a policy guide developed in collaboration with experts from all over Africa. It was designed to promote multilingual education in Africa, recognizing that African languages and cultures are crucial for social cohesion. |
Socio-psychologie de l’éducation des adultes en Afrique African Perspectives on Adult Learning / Perspectives africaines de l’éducation des adultes Afsata Paré Kaboré and Rasmata Nabaloum-Bakyono UIL, Presses Universitaires d’Afrique and dvv International, 2014, 276 pages ISBN 978-92-820-2110-1
This book analyses the cultural factors that influence the characteristics, behaviour and thinking of adult learners from the perspective of psychology. It emphasizes the collective orientation of African cultures and the view of the self vis-à-vis interdependent relationships within a community. The chapters provide an introduction to the psychology of adult learning and address the following themes: characteristics of adult learning; lifespan development; human motivation and participation; learning styles; facilitating adult learning; and guidance and counselling of adult learners. Download: FRENCH |
Fondements et philosophie de l’éducation des adultes en Afrique African Perspectives on Adult Learning / Perspectives africaines de l’éducation des adultes Abdel Rahamane Baba-Moussa, Louali Malam Moussa and José Rakotozafy UIL, Presses Universitaires d’Afrique and dvv international, 2014, 289 pages ISBN 978-92-820-2111-9
This book presents key concepts, information and principles to support the practice of adult education in African contexts. The authors introduce the foundations and the history of adult education in Africa, discuss the philosophy of adult education, its socio-cultural, political and economic environments, opportunities and access for adult learners, gender and development in adult education, adult education as a developing profession, the role of information and communication technology, how globalization impacts on adult education, and policies and structures of lifelong learning. Download: FRENCH |
Key Issues and Policy Considerations in Promoting Lifelong Learning in Selected African Countries UIL Series on Lifelong Learning Policies and Strategies No. 1
Shirley Walters, Jin Yang and Peter Roslander UIL, 2014, 58 pages ISBN 978-92-820-1190-4 Based on desk research and field work, this study discusses progress and challenges in five African countries relating to the development of formal education, non-formal education and informal learning. It reflects on the porous boundaries that exist between these sectors and highlights six key issues that affect the operationalization of lifelong learning: conceptual understandings of lifelong learning; recognition of learning achievements; the role of counselling and guidance; teachers and facilitators; financial resources and infrastructure; and coordination among stakeholders. The lessons learned from the study are summarized in ten recommendations for further action and reform.
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Building a Learning Society in Japan, the Republic of Korea and Singapore UIL Series on Lifelong Learning Policies and Strategies No. 2 Jin Yang and Rika Yorozu UIL, 2014, 48 pages ISBN 978-92-820-1193-3
Japan, the Republic of Korea and Singapore are in the process of adopting approaches that can be characterized by the terms ‘learning society’ and ‘lifelong learning’. This report discusses policies, action plans, governance and financing from each country and clarifies some common lessons which can be drawn from the three countries’ endeavours. Furthermore, it outlines how each country incorporates quality formal education, learning cities and community-based learning, workplace learning, ICT and e-learning, and recognizing learning outcomes. Download: ENGLISH |
Community Matters: Fulfilling Learning Potentials for Young Men and Women UIL Policy Brief 4 UIL, 2014, 4 pages
The fourth in UIL’s series of policy briefs looks at the involvement of youth in multipurpose community learning spaces and centres and supports their full participation in learning and community development activities. It is based on discussions that took place during the International Policy Forum on Literacy and Life Skills Education for Vulnerable Youth through Community Learning Centres, which was held from 20 to 22 August 2013 in Jakarta, Indonesia, and describes features of community learning centres across world regions. Furthermore, it illustrates how community learning centres in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Japan, Mongolia, Thailand and the United Kingdom engage young men and women in the planning and implementation processes. |
Communities in Action: Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development UIL Research Series No. 1 Fumiko Noguchi, Jose Roberto Guevara and Rika Yorozu UIL, 2015, 56 pages ISBN 978-92-820-1197-3
This handbook identifies principles and policy mechanisms to advance community-based learning for sustainable development based on the commitments endorsed by the participants of the Kominkan-CLC International Conference on Education for Sustainable Development, which was in Okayama City, Japan, in October 2014. To inform policymakers and practitioners new to this field, the handbook clarifies the international vision and goals for sustainable development and Education for Sustainable Development, and identifies the potential contributions of community-based learning centres and organizations. It documents both policy and practice from different regions and concludes with a summary of principles and policy support mechanisms. Download: ENGLISH |
Narrowing the Gender Gap: Empowering Women Through Literacy Programmes Revision of Literacy Programmes with a Focus on Women to Reduce Gender Disparities Ulrike Hanemann (Ed.) UIL, revised 2015, 116 pages ISBN: 978-92-820-1186-7 This collection of twenty-four case studies covers successful programmes directly targeting women in eighteen countries in Africa, the Arab States, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and North America. According to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), two-thirds of the 774 million adults who are unable to read and write are women. This publication is intended to serve as a resource to inspire the implementation and continuation of literacy programmes for women.
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Action Research: Measuring Literacy Programme Participants’ Learning Outcomes. Results of the First Phase (2011–2014) Madina Bolly, Nicolas Jonas UIL, 2015, 85 pages ISBN 978-92-820-1202-4
RAMAA aims to develop, implement and collaborate in the creation of a methodological approach to measure acquired learning and study the various factors that influence its development. This report examines how RAMAA I has been implemented over the past four years in five participating countries: Burkina Faso, Mali, Morocco, Niger and Senegal. It assesses the institutional and technical implementation of the project while identifying challenges and discussing lessons learned. The goal of this mid-term review is to provide strategic guidance for RAMAA II and to enable countries to utilize the results. |
Global Report on Adult Learning and Education UIL, 2010, 156 pages ISBN 978-92-820-1167-6
Based on data from 154 countries on the state of adult learning and education, five regional synthesis reports and secondary literature, this report provides an overview of trends in adult learning and education as well as to identify key challenges. It is an important reference document and advocacy tool, and served as input for the Sixth International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI). Download: ENGLISH FRENCH SPANISH PORTUGUESE
2nd Global Report on Adult Learning and Education: Rethinking Literacy UIL, 2013, 163 pages ISBN 978-92-820-1179-9
Containing data from 141 countries, this report reviews progress in implementing the Belém Framework for Action, the set of recommendations made by governments at the Sixth International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI) in 2009. The report adopts a global perspective, describing the commonalities and differences of Member States as they work to improve their adult education sectors. The focus in this report is literacy. |
The Evolution and Impact of Literacy Campaigns 2000–2014 UIL Research Series No. 1. Ulrike Hanemann UIL, 2015, 106 pages ISBN: 978-92-820-1198-0
This research paper outlines global trends in the development and implementation of adult literacy campaigns and programmes since 2000. Four case studies on major literacy campaigns in Brazil, India, South Africa and Indonesia analyse these global trends in greater depth. While many literacy campaigns have created fresh momentum, most of the large-scale campaigns have underestimated the complexity of their task. Major concerns are the continuity of learning processes for the newly literate and the compatibility of short-duration campaigns with the national learning systems. The author recommends that future strategies promote literacy as part of lifelong learning. Download: ENGLISH |
Learning Families: Intergenerational Approach to Literacy Teaching and Learning UIL, 2015, 127 pages ISBN: 978-92-820-1199-7
The selection of case studies presented in this compilation show that for an intergenerational approach to literacy to be successful and foster a culture of learning, it is necessary to provide sustained teacher training, develop a culture of collaboration among institutions, teachers and parents, and secure sustained funding through longer-term policy support. The examples from twenty-two different countries also provide evidence of the universal importance of involving families in literacy programmes in order to establish closer links between school, families and communities, reflecting an expanded vision of literacy as a lifelong learning process. Download: ENGLISH |
Transforming our World: Literacy for Sustainable Development UIL, 2015, 112 pages ISBN: 978-92-820-1200-0
This compilation offers twenty-seven case studies of innovative and promising literacy and numeracy programmes from all over the world. The focus is on the links of the teaching and learning of literacy to sustainable development challenges such as health, social equality, economic empowerment and environmental sustainability. This publication is a timely contribution to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which promotes the engagement of stakeholder to ‘ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all’. Download: ENGLISH |
Quality Matters: Improving the Status of Literacy Teaching Personnel UIL Policy Brief 1 UIL, 2013, 4 pages
This first UIL policy brief is based on the discussions of experts and practitioners from more than ten countries during the International Workshop on Strategies for the Improvement of the Status of Literacy Teaching Personnel. This brief argues that in order to harness the potential of the world’s illiterates, policymakers and practitioners need to focus their attention on improving the status of literacy facilitators, because teaching personnel are vital for ensuring quality in education. |
Lifelong Literacy: Towards a New Agenda Special issue of the International Review of Education – Journal of Lifelong Learning, 60 (3), 2015 Ed. Ulrike Hanemann and Veronica McKay
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Learning to Fly: Family-oriented Literacy Education in Schools Gabriele Rabkin and Stephen Roche (Eds.) UIL and Landesinstitut für Lehrerbildung und Schulentwicklung (LI), 2014, 242 pages ISBN: 987-3-00-045161-2
This book was published to mark the tenth anniversary of Hamburg’s award-winning family literacy project (FLY). The book includes contributions from key stakeholders – academics, teachers, parents and children – participating in the conceptualization and implementation of FLY in the city of Hamburg. FLY mainly targets people from socially disadvantaged communities and applies an intergenerational approach to learning. Since 2004, when FLY was launched, it has helped thousands of children and parents learn to read and write, and, ultimately, succeed in their further education. This book underlines the role of literacy as a key component for sustainable development and highlights the importance of FLY for the city of Hamburg and as a model for other cities. Download: ENGLISH AND GERMAN |
The Role of Higher Education in Promoting Lifelong Learning UIL Series on Lifelong Learning Policies and Strategies No. 3
Jin Yang, Chripa Schneller and Stephen Roche (Eds.) UIL, 2015, 199 pages ISBN 978-92-820-1194-2 There is no doubt that universities have a vital role to play in promoting lifelong learning. This publication presents possible ways of expanding and transforming higher education to facilitate lifelong learning in different socio-economic contexts. Nine articles address the various dimensions of the role of higher education in promoting lifelong learning from a global perspective. The goal is to give the reader a better understanding of the theoretical frameworks and practical implementation of lifelong learning in higher education in different regions of the world.
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Closing the Gap – Opportunities for Distance Education to Benefit Adult Learners in Higher Education Final report of the IDEAL (Impact of Distance Education on Adult Learning) project
Arne Carlsen, Carl Holmberg, Carmen Neghina and Angela Owusu-Boampong UIL, 2016, 111 pages ISBN: 978-92-820-1203-1 The final report of the Impact of Distance Education on Adult Learning (IDEAL) project will collate the results of this two-year research project. Funded by the European Union’s Lifelong Learning Programme, IDEAL has generated new data on the interrelations between the content of open and distance learning (ODL) offers in European countries and the social profiles of adult learners. The use of innovative research tools enabled an analysis of the match between needs and offers. This report will enhance the ability of higher education institutions to remove barriers and improve the quality of their offerings. (See also IDEAL Reports 1–3.)
Download: English |
Conceptual Evolution and Policy Developments in Lifelong Learning Jin Yang and Raúl Valdés-Cotera (Eds.) UIL, 2011, 264 pages ISBN: 978-92-820-1172-0
This book is an outcome of the Shanghai International Forum on Lifelong. The twenty-four papers collected here document the discussions led by experts from across the world. They recount first how lifelong learning has evolved conceptually and then how policy has developed in its promotion. Subsequent sections examine lifelong learning’s relationship with distance education, new learning media and higher education; its association with the learning cities movement; and its role in rural and industrial development. Download: ENGLISH |
CONFINTEA VI Follow-up: The Challenges of Moving from Rhetoric to Action Special issues of the International Review of Education – Journal of Lifelong Learning, 57 (1–2), 2011 Ed. Carolyn Medel-Añonuevo, Carlos Alberto Torres and Richard Desjardins
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CONFINTEA VI, Belém Framework for Action: Harnessing the Power and Potential of Adult Learning and Education for a Viable Future UIL and Brazil Ministry of Education, 2010, 36 pages The Sixth International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI) closed with the adoption of the Belém Framework for Action in December 2009. Building on the Hamburg Declaration on Adult Learning and the Agenda for the Future of 1997, the Belém Framework for Action records the commitments of Member States and presents a strategic guide for the global development of adult literacy and adult education within the perspective of lifelong learning.
Fifth International Conference on Adult Education: Final Report The Literacy and Adult Education Section at UNESCO HQ in Paris and the UNESCO Institute for Education, 1997, 66 pages
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Global Report on Adult Learning and Education UIL, 2010, 156 pages ISBN 978-92-820-1167-6
Based on data from 154 countries on the state of adult learning and education, five regional synthesis reports and secondary literature, this report provides an overview of trends in adult learning and education as well as to identify key challenges. It is an important reference document and advocacy tool, and served as input for the Sixth International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI). Download: ENGLISH FRENCH SPANISH PORTUGUESE
2nd Global Report on Adult Learning and Education: Rethinking Literacy UIL, 2013, 163 pages ISBN 978-92-820-1179-9 Containing data from 141 countries, this report reviews progress in implementing the Belém Framework for Action, the set of recommendations made by governments at the Sixth International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI) in 2009. The report adopts a global perspective, describing the commonalities and differences of Member States as they work to improve their adult education sectors. The focus in this report is literacy. |
Quality Matters: Improving the Status of Literacy Teaching Personnel UIL Policy Brief 1 UIL, 2013, 4 pages
This first UIL policy brief is based on the discussions of experts and practitioners from more than ten countries during the International Workshop on Strategies for the Improvement of the Status of Literacy Teaching Personnel. This brief argues that in order to harness the potential of the world’s illiterates, policymakers and practitioners need to focus their attention n on improving the status of literacy facilitators, because teaching personnel are vital for ensuring quality in education. |
Youth Matters: Equipping Vulnerable Young People with Literacy and Life Skills UIL Policy Brief 2 UIL, 2013, 4 pages
Youth literacy and life skills, especially for vulnerable youth who have left school or never received a formal education, should be a policy priority to secure the full participation of young people in society and to ensure peaceful and sustainable development. This document assesses the complex challenge of designing policy for vulnerable youth. It emphasizes the importance of including input from youth and other stakeholders in the decision-making process. It also provides detailed examples of policies and programmes that meet the particular needs of vulnerable youth in an effective manner. Download: ENGLISH FRENCH SPANISH
Gender Equality Matters: Empowering Women through Literacy Programmes UIL Policy Brief 3 UIL, 2014, 4 pages
This policy brief offers research-informed analysis and action-oriented recommendations for local and national governments, literacy programme providers and educators on how to reduce the gender gap in adult literacy. This document describes measures taken in different countries to reduce gender disparities in literacy and presents best-practice examples of literacy programmes that respond to the challenges women face in accessing learning opportunities. One of the main conclusions is that while literacy alone does not empower women to create and participate in change, it plays a vital role in changing the lives of millions of women who have received little formal education. |
Community Matters: Fulfilling Learning Potentials for Young Men and Women UIL Policy Brief 4 UIL, 2014, 4 pages
The fourth in UIL’s series of policy briefs looks at the involvement of youth in multipurpose community learning spaces and centres and supports their full participation in learning and community development activities. It is based on discussions that took place during the International Policy Forum on Literacy and Life Skills Education for Vulnerable Youth through Community Learning Centres, which was held from 20 to 22 August 2013 in Jakarta, Indonesia, and describes features of community learning centres across world regions. Furthermore, it illustrates how community learning centres in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Japan, Mongolia, Thailand and the United Kingdom engage young men and women in the planning and implementation processes. |
Youth and Lifelong Learning
Action Research to Improve Youth and Adult Literacy: Empowering Learners in a Multilingual World Hassana Alidou and Christine Glanz (Eds.) UIL, 2015, 220 pages ISBN 978-92-820-1192-8
One of the greatest challenges in education today is to adapt and respond to a linguistically and culturally diverse world, and to combat social disintegration and discrimination. Participatory and collaborative action research represents an empowering and emancipatory approach to this challenge because the ‘target groups’ become involved as equal partners. This book provides guidance for trainers of youth and adult educators and for those who manage non-formal education and curriculum development programmes in youth and adult literacy. It is also aimed at publishers and authors who want to improve their services and products by collaborating more closely with their readerships. |
Élaboration du cadre normatif dans une approche sectorielle de l’éducation en République démocratique du Congo : enjeux, défis et perspectives UIL Series on Lifelong Learning Policies and Strategies No. 4 Abdel-Rahamane Baba-Moussa, Christine Glanz and Anton De Grauwe UIL and the International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP), 2014, 57 pages ISBN 978-92-820-2114-9
In the context of UNESCO’s Capacity Development Programme for Education for All, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and UNESCO developed a normative framework with a sector-wide approach to education. In view of the current international interest in lifelong learning policies, the creation of such a normative framework is of interest to many countries. This publication shares the reflections and analysis undertaken with the three ministries in charge of primary, secondary, vocational and higher education and non-formal youth and adult education. It analyses the national context and the constraints that emerge from it for the organization of education, reviews existing norms and their application, and discusses challenges and perspectives. Download: FRENCH |
Youth Matters: Equipping Vulnerable Young People with Literacy and Life Skills UIL Policy Brief 2 UIL, 2013, 4 pages
Youth literacy and life skills, especially for vulnerable youth who have left school or never received a formal education, should be a policy priority to secure the full participation of young people in society and to ensure peaceful and sustainable development. This document assesses the complex challenge of designing policy for vulnerable youth. It emphasizes the importance of including input from youth and other stakeholders in the decision-making process. It also provides detailed examples of policies and programmes that meet the particular needs of vulnerable youth in an effective manner. |
Community Matters: Fulfilling Learning Potentials for Young Men and Women UIL Policy Brief 4 UIL, 2014, 4 pages
The fourth in UIL’s series of policy briefs looks at the involvement of youth in multipurpose community learning spaces and centres and supports their full participation in learning and community development activities. It is based on discussions that took place during the International Policy Forum on Literacy and Life Skills Education for Vulnerable Youth through Community Learning Centres, which was held from 20 to 22 August 2013 in Jakarta, Indonesia, and describes features of community learning centres across world regions. Furthermore, it illustrates how community learning centres in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Japan, Mongolia, Thailand and the United Kingdom engage young men and women in the planning and implementation processes. |
YouthDrivingCommunityEducation: TestimoniesofEmpowermentfrom AsiaandthePacific UIL and Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education, 2014, 31 pages ISBN: 978-92-820-1189-8
This publication presents a collection of testimonies from young people from vulnerable backgrounds who have transformed their lives by participating in community education and development programmes either as learners or facilitators. Their testimonies describe the challenges they faced in pursuing an education, how they benefited from community education programmes, and the active roles they now play in community education and development. The testimonies provide excellent illustrations of how youth-focused education and development programmes in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, New Zealand, the Philippines and Timor-Leste have contributed to literacy and youth empowerment. Download: ENGLISH |
Learning Needs and Life Skills for Youth Special issue of the International Review of Education – Journal of Lifelong Learning 60 (2), 2014 Ed. Lene Buchert
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Thank you for your cooperation.
Leona English, PhD
Head of Publications, UNESCO Institute of Lifelong Learning
Feldbrunnenstr. 58, 20148 Hamburg, Germany
Tel. 49-40-44 80 41-56
Skype <leona.english>
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