Navigating the Victorian Education System
Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY) have developed a resource to assist newly arrived young people and their families to understand the Victorian education system. The resource, Navigating the Victorian Education System, is an interactive guide with information on types of schools, curriculum and educational pathways. It is designed to increase understanding of educational pathways and help young people and their families in decision making about schooling and careers. |
'Quality Schools' funding reforms estimator
The new Federal Government estimator is an online calculator that enables parents and schools to assess how planned funding changes, under the federal government's Quality Schools
reforms, will affect their school. |
'Walk With Us' Video Resource
This 'Walk with Us' video resource was released by Inner North West PCP in partnership with Health West Partnership, North East PCP and Hume Whittlesea PCP. The resource encourages organisations to enhance their capacity to provide high quality, culturally responsive and respectful services to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community. Watch the video here. |
Conference Call for Papers - Turning Learning Upside Down: Learning and Teaching Beyond the Classroom, 23-34 November 2017
The Public Pedagogies Institute is inviting a range of submissions – informal presentations, academic papers, workshops, screenings – to participate in two days of ideas-sharing and networking. Submissions of no more than 300 words will be accepted up until Friday 25 August. All submissions should be accompanied by an up to 100 word biographical note.
For more information, please E: [email protected] for more information or to make a submission. The Call for Papers is now online. |
Diversity through the Lens
This exhibition presents photos by Brimbank community members wthat capture the city’s human and geographic identity. The photographers are newly arrived in Australia and come from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
Sydenham: Mon 22 May - Tues 27 Jun
Cher Chidzey Author Talk
Cher Chidzey migrated to Australia from Singapore in 1975 and knows deeply about the migrant experience. Her novel 'Ken's Quest’ examines the intercultural relationships and challenges that occur in the life of a Chinese man on a working holiday visa.
Deer Park: Thurs 22 June, 11.30am |
Refugee Themed Storytimes
Join us for a special reading of the book ‘Teacup’ during regular Preschool Storytime sessions.
All sessions start at 10.30am
Deer Park: Wednesday 21 and Friday 23 June
Keilor: Wednesday 21 June
St Albans: Monday 19 June
Sunshine: Wednesday 21 June
Sydenham: Friday 23 June
For more information on Refugee Week at Brimbank Libraries, please visit the Brimbank Libraries website. |
Maths Homework Help at Sunshine Library
Drop in maths homework help, covering all secondary school maths subjects, including all three VCE subjects.
Wednesdays, 4-6pm at Sunshine Library - 301 Hampshire Road, Sunshine.
See the full listing of homework clubs in Brimbank on the online Learning Hub.
Engaging the future of STEM
This research reports on key findings from an international investigation into what others are doing around the world in OECD countries to engage young people, particularly girls, in STEM.
Underemployment: a quick guide
This guide provides a brief overview of underemployment, an introduction to the key concepts and terminology, and lists relevant data sources. This is one in a series of quick guides, designed to provide a basic understanding of Australian labour market data.
PISA 2015 Results
This report analyses for the first time students’ motivation to perform well in school, their relationships with peers and teachers, their home life, and how they spend their time outside of school. The findings are based on a survey of 540,000 students in 72 participating countries and economies who also completed the main OECD PISA 2015 test on science, mathematics and reading.
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