Winter School: Comparative Studies in Adult and Lifelong learning

Würzburg/Bavaria, Germany
Wednesday, 3 February, 2016 - 00:00 to Friday, 12 February, 2016 - 00:00

We are happy announcing the Winter School 2016 on Comparative Studies in Adult and Lifelong Learning from 3.-12 Februray 2016 on campus Würzburg in Germany.

As we have requests from several international colleagues, with whom we will organize a parallel programme for professors in adult and continuing education, too.

Please feel free informing your students and colleagues with the material attached (I also have added our exchange programme for your information).

As we are working on scholarships for Master and PhD-students, please invite your students applying for a scholarship.

Registration is possible over

The registration deadline (which also acts as scholarship application) ist 31st October 2015. For colleagues and students who need a Schengen-Visa, we advise a registration until end of September.

Pleae feel free, contacting us for any question over [email protected]

Best regards,

Regina Egetenmeyer


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PDF icon WSFlyer.pdf721.84 KB
PDF icon WSProgramme.pdf1.02 MB
