You are invited to submit information to be included in the next edition of the Newsletter for European Research in Learning and Work [L&W], due to appear at the beginning of June 2013.
Post date:
Wednesday, 22 May, 2013
You are invited to submit information to be included in the next edition of the Newsletter for European Research in Learning and Work [L&W], due to appear at the beginning of June 2013.
Please find below the 2nd round call for proposals for for activities within the programme of the 1st World Access Congress in Montreal from 7-10 October 2013.
The call for proposals will remain open until 15th June 2013. Enquiries should be addressed to [email protected]
Please find attached two call for papers for RELA (The European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults). The first is a CFP for a thematic issue on migration and the education and learning of adults; deadline of submission is October 15. The second is an open call for papers; deadline: anytime.
I'm also happy to tell you that the number of unique visitors to the RELA webpage is constantly increasing soon reaching 2000 unique visitors/month.
Best wishes
Andreas Fejes
Dear ASEM Colleagues Thank you for your positive feedback on the ASEM LLL News- March 2013 which contained up-to-date information about the ASEM LLL Hub’s research and the latest news items on lifelong learning policies and practices in ASEM countries. Highlights of this issue, ASEM LLL News – May 2013, are: |
Globally, participation in higher education has risen substantially. According to the OECD ( Education at a Glance 2012) entry rates to university level programmes in OECD countries grew on average by nearly 25 percentage points between 1995 and 2010. Consequently, more than a third of today’s young people have higher level qualifications than their parents and around 62% of young adults are expected to enter university - level programmes over their lifetimes.
Newbattle Abbey College hosted the National Adult Education Conference on 20 March 2013. Eighty delegates from a wide range of settings (including Community Learning and Development (CLD), Local Authorities, Higher Education, Further Education, Trade Unions, Learners’ Groups and Adult Education Networks) gathered to discuss the current state of affairs in Adult Education in Scotland, and to create an action plan.
This one-day participative event is presented by the University of Edinburgh and the University of Warwick. The aim is to generate discussion and debate on the key and important issue of community engagement and community-based adult education from a comparative perspective by drawing on theory and practice from Scotland, Canada and England.
In this research seminar, Arne Carlsen will present the Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE I), the first report of its kind. GRALE I draws on 154 national reports which were submitted by UNESCO member states to the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), on the state of adult learning and education. He will also comment on GRALE II, which is expected to be published in the coming months, and which will report on progress in the field of adult education since 2009.
I am glad to announce the call for proposals for the third meeting of the ESREA research network on “Adult Educators, Trainers and their Professional Development” (ReNAdET) that will take place in Bonn 1-3 November 2013. More information is available at: or on
This is a personal invitation to be part of a very special conference: The FACE Annual Conference which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year is being hosted by Plymouth University, 3 - 5 July.
The Conference title for this unique event is "Learner Journeys - Origins, Experiences and Destinations". This title captures and reflects the longstanding concern and interest of FACE members and their institutions in putting learners at the heart of higher education. At a time of enormous change in the landscape of access and widening participation this conference will provide an ideal opportunity, through both the plenary and workshop sessions, to explore and respond to these key changes.
University of Glasgow
Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning (CR&DALL)
University of Glasgow, St. Andrew's Building, 11 Eldon Street, Glasgow G3 6NH, Scotland
tel: +44 (0) 141 330 1835
email: [email protected]
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