IAPD Workshop - 4 May 2016 - The future of professional doctorates in England

Middlesex University
College Building, C219-20
London NW4 4BT
United Kingdom
Wednesday, 4 May, 2016 - 11:00 to 15:15

In this workshop we will discuss the findings from a project commissioned by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) which explored the provision of Professional Doctorate programmes in English higher education institutions. The research was conducted by CRAC with Dr Carol Robinson, University of Brighton, who will present the findings and facilitate the workshop with colleagues from Middlesex. The day will also include discussion groups. 

We will consider appropriate ways forward for HEIs running Professional Doctorate programmes, for example:

  •  the issues concerning impact that arose from the data, how this may be significant for curriculum development;
  • the next Research Excellence Framework in the UK or research evaluation exercises that take place internationally and how professional doctorates demonstrate their impact factor;
  • any policy implications for Professional Doctorates;
  • other points raised by delegates in the workshop.

You are invited to join this most informative and engaging workshop on professional Doctorates.

The future of Professional doctorates in England: evidence, perceptions, strategy, impact

DATE 4 May 2016

TIME 11:00am – 3.15

LOCATION C219-20, College Building, Middlesex University, London NW4 4BT

Click on the link below for to view the Higher Education Funding Council project ‘Provision of Professional doctorates in English HE institutions’ which has now been published: http://www.hefce.ac.uk/news/newsarchive/2016/Name,107351,en.html

The cost of the event is £60 and includes refreshments and lunch. For more information and to book a place click here  http://tinyurl.com/iapd040516

For further information, please contact Carol Costley at: 020 8411 6524 or email: [email protected]

Best wishes,


Lucy Bate MSc
Universities Association for Lifelong Learning

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.uall.ac.uk


For regularly updated information about UALL, including events, go to: www.uall.ac.uk


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