The 3rd ProPEL International Conference will be held June 14-16, 2017. The conference will be hosted by Linköping University, Sweden, and organised in collaboration with the University of Technology Sydney, Australia. Both institutions are members of the ProPEL International Research Network, based at the School of Education, University of Stirling. The ProPEL Network promotes leading edge research and knowledge exchange in issues of professional and vocational learning, practice and education.
The conference welcomes research that applies contemporary practice oriented, sociomaterial theories and innovative research methodologies. The aim is to critically explore the emergent nature of professions, professional practice and knowing, and systems of professional education. For 2017 we particularly encourage papers that explore the role of and relations between professional education and work in meeting contemporary challenges in professional practice.
Within this broader rubric we welcome papers that present original, critical research exploring, but not limited to, the themes listed below:
- Complexity and change in work and their implications for professional practices
and professionalism - Formal vocational/higher education and new ways of configuring educational and
professional support for learning - Emerging professional groups, knowledge, and new arrangements of work
- Digital technologies, new media and changing professional practices and/or learning
- Collaboration: interprofessional, interagency, partnership and co-productive work as
intersections of professional knowledge and learning. - Leading and organising professional/vocational learning
- Gender, diversity and inclusion in professional/vocational practice
- Mobile professionals and migrating knowledge
- Assessing professional knowing and learning
- Reconceptualising continuing professional learning and development
The conference explicitly promotes multi-professional and inter/transdisciplinary dialogue. Contributions are sought from a broad range of disciplinary and professional contexts. Researchers, educators and practitioners interested in developing a wider understanding of the challenges and responses of those engaged in professional work are encouraged to present and attend.
Participants may propose individual papers, symposiums, roundtables and poster presentations.
For further information, please contact Prof. Madeleine Abrandt Dahlgren
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