UNESCO CONFINTEA Follow-up Bulletin No.13


Please find featured below the thirteenth issue of the CONFINTEA VI Follow-up News Bulletin in English, French and Spanish, covering the period January to April 2016.

You can find the updated news as well as all official CONFINTEA VI documents and reports in the CONFINTEA Portal.

Thank you for your support by keeping us informed of all activities relating to the follow-up to CONFINTEA VI.

UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning



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Arne CarlsenThe last CONFINTEA  VI Follow-up Meeting will take place in Montego Bay, Jamaica, from 30 June to 1 July 2016. It will bring Ministers of Education together with adult learning and education (ALE) experts from the Caribbean sub-region to assess ALE policy and programme development, focusing on progress made in implementing the Belém Framework for Action (BFA). At the meeting, participants will devise a sub-regional action plan that will identify priority activities in the Caribbean to support further implementation of the BFA. The CONFINTEA VI Mid-Term Review, which is scheduled to take place in 2017, will evaluate the outcomes of these actions and examine the key findings emerging from the national reports submitted by UNESCO Member States for the third Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE III). GRALE III is scheduled for publication in autumn 2016. The new UNESCO Recommendation on Adult Learning and Education was signed recently. Together with the BFA it will help to articulate literacy and ALE priorities across the globe and position them within the Education 2030 Framework for Action.

Against this background, the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning will continue to support Member States in updating ALE policies and delivering effective programmes. ALE has a crucial role to play in enhancing people’s health and wellbeing, supporting social and civic development, and improving employability. Insights emerging from GRALE III and the CONFINTEA VI Mid-term Review will enable UNESCO Member States to develop a more comprehensive vision of ALE and emphasize its value for individuals, economies and societies.

Arne Carlsen
UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning


La dernière réunion de suivi de la CONFINTEA VI se tiendra à Montego Bay, en Jamaïque, les 30 juin et 1er juillet 2016. Elle rassemblera des ministres de l’éducation et des spécialistes de l’apprentissage et éducation des adultes de la sous-région des Caraïbes, qui procèderont à l’évaluation des développements intervenus dans les politiques et programmes en la matière, et se concentreront sur les progrès accomplis dans la mise en œuvre du Cadre d’action de Belém (BFA). Lors de la réunion, les participants élaboreront un plan d’action sous régional afin de déterminer les activités prioritaires à mener aux Caraïbes pour aller plus loin dans la mise en œuvre du Cadre d’action de Belém (BFA). Le bilan à mi-parcours de la CONFINTEA VI, prévu pour 2017, évaluera les résultats de ces actions et   examinera les principaux éléments émanant des rapports nationaux soumis par les Etats membres de l’UNESCO pour le troisième Rapport mondial sur l’apprentissage et l’éducation des adultes (GRALE III). La publication du GRALE III est programmée pour l’automne 2016. La nouvelle Recommandation de l’UNESCO sur l’apprentissage et l’éducation des adultes vient d’être signée. Parallèlement au BFA, elle contribuera à énoncer les priorités liées à l’alphabétisation et l’apprentissage et éducation des adultes dans le monde et à les positionner au sein du Cadre d’action Education 2030.

Dans ce contexte, l’Institut de l’UNESCO pour l’apprentissage tout au long de la vie continuera d’apporter son soutien aux États membres souhaitant actualiser leurs politiques d’apprentissage et éducation des adultes et mettre en œuvre des programmes efficaces. L’apprentissage et éducation des adultes peuvent contribuer dans une très large mesure à favoriser la santé et le bien-être des populations, à étayer le développement social et citoyen, et à améliorer l’employabilité. Les éléments d’information fournis par le GRALE III et le bilan à mi-parcours de la CONFINTEA VI permettront aux États membres de l’UNESCO d’acquérir une vision plus large de l’apprentissage et éducation des adultes et mettront en lumière sa valeur pour les individus, économies et sociétés.
                                                                                                                                Arne Carlsen


La última Reunión de Seguimiento de CONFITEA VI tendrá lugar en Montego Bay, Jamaica, del 30 de junio al 1 de julio de 2016. Reunirá a Ministros de Educación y expertos del aprendizaje y la educación de adultos (AEA) de la subregión del Caribe para evaluar la política y el desarrollo del programa de AEA, centrándose en el progreso hecho gracias a la implementación del Marco de Acción de Belem (MAB). En la sesión, los participantes elaborarán un plan de acción subregional en el que se identifiquen las actividades prioritarias a llevar a cabo en el Caribe para apoyar la futura implementación del MAB. La Revisión Intermedia de CONFITEA VI, que está programada para 2017, evaluará los resultados de estas acciones y examinará las principales conclusiones derivadas de los informes nacionales presentados por los Estados Miembros de la UNESCO en el Informe Mundial sobre el Aprendizaje y la Educación de Adultos (GRALE III, por sus siglas en inglés). La publicación de GRALE III está prevista para el otoño de 2016. La nueva Recomendación sobre el Aprendizaje y la Educación de Adultos de la UNESCO se firmó recientemente. Esta, junto con el MAB permitirá organizar las prioridades relativas a alfabetización y AEA en todo el mundo y situar ambas en el Marco de Acción para la Educación 2030.

En este contexto, el Instituto de la UNESCO para el Aprendizaje a lo Largo de Toda la Vida seguirá dando su apoyo a los Estados Miembros mediante la actualización de las políticas del AEA y proporcionando programas efectivos. El AEA tiene un papel crucial en la mejora de la salud y bienestar de las personas, en el desarrollo social y cívico y en el aumento de la empleabilidad. Las reflexiones resultantes de GRALE III y de la Revisión Intermedia de CONFITEA VI posibilitarán a los Estados Miembros de la UNESCO desarrollar una visión integral del AEA y destacar el valor que tiene para los individuos, economías y sociedades.                                                                
                                                                                                                                  Arne Carlsen


CONFINTEA+6: International seminar in Brazil evaluates ALE developments in Latin America and the Caribbean

28 April 2016
An international seminar on lifelong learning was held in Brasilia (Brazil) from 25 to 27 April 2016, with the aim of evaluating and reviewing the progress of the implementation of the Belém Framework for Action, which was adopted by the sixth International Conference on Adult Learning and Education in 2009 (CONFINTEA VI). The seminar was organized by the Brazilian Ministry of Education UNESCO, in cooperation with the UNESCO Office in Brazil (UBO), the Organization of Iberoamerican States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI), and UIL.
At the opening ceremony, Brazil’s Minister of Education, Mr Aloizio Mercadante, reiterated the country’s commitment to provide lifelong learning opportunities for all and stated that the new national policy being implemented focuses on practical solutions for developing the skills of youth and adults, in order to ensure that formal and non-formal components of the education system complement each other.

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Enhancing Lifelong Learning Opportunities for Youth and Adults in the Caribbean: CONFINTEA Sub-Regional Follow up Meeting

The 2016 Sub-Regional Meeting for the Follow-up of CONFINTEA VI in the Caribbean will take place on 30 June and 1 July in Montego Bay, Jamaica. This meeting will be organized by the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) in cooperation with the Jamaican Foundation for Lifelong Learning, the UNESCO Office in Kingston and the Jamaican Ministry of Education. UIL is also working in partnership with the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (OREALC), in organizing the event. The main objective of the meeting will be to review the status of adult learning and education in the Caribbean, focusing on the UNESCO Recommendation on Adult Learning and Education (2015) and the Belém Framework for Action (2009).

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Two new UNESCO Recommendations on education

4 April 2016 Paris

A signing ceremony was held today of two key international Recommendations on education that reflect new global trends and support the Education 2030 Framework for Action.The President of UNESCO’s General Conference, Mr Stanley Mutumba Simataa, and UNESCO’s Director-General, Ms Irina Bokova, signed the Recommendation on Adult Learning and Education and the Recommendation concerning Technical and Vocational Education and Training.The revision of these key international instruments responds to the request of Member States to adapt them to reflect new educational, social, economic, cultural and political trends. The Recommendations were enthusiastically adopted by Member States at the 38th session of the General Conference held in Paris, in November 2015. They are the most up-to-date and comprehensive tools for decision-makers, practitioners, social partners, civil society and other stakeholders in these two complementary areas. They will be used around the world to guide the transformation and expansion of equitable learning opportunities for youth and adults.

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Call for Applications - CONFINTEA Fellowship Programme 2016

Application deadline extended to 15 July 2016

In October 2016 the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) will offer six CONFINTEA Fellowships for a period of one month to government officials and representatives of civil society organizations working in key positions within the field of adult learning and education (ALE) in UNESCO Member States.
UIL is an international non-profit research, training, information, documentation and publishing centre. It promotes lifelong learning with a focus on adult and continuing education, literacy and non-formal basic education. Since the CONFINTEA Fellowship Programme was launched in 2011, a total of twenty-two fellows from twenty Member States have taken part. UIL seeks geographical (i.e. regional and national) and gender balance when awarding CONFINTEA Fellowships, and particularly welcomes applicants from the Global South.

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Recognizing vocational competencies to build a more qualified workforce


Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are working to establish a coherent system for the recognition, validation and accreditation (RVA) of vocational competencies acquired through non-formal and informal learning.
The importance of recognizing and validating currently unrecognized vocational competencies
In these three Central Asian countries, national and sectoral agencies are placing increasing emphasis on recognizing how workers apply knowledge, skills and competencies, rather than on the settings in which they acquired these competencies. Competencies that are acquired informally are important in these countries, as they involve specialized knowledge and expertise that are difficult to develop through formal learning systems. It is therefore imperative to create synergies and smooth transitions between non-formal, informal and formal learning by developing procedures and processes for identifying, validating and recognizing competencies acquired at work, during training, in everyday life and in leisure activities.

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Adult education policy frameworks in Central Asian countries

9 March 2016
The importance of developing overarching adult education policy frameworks is growing in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Socio-economic changes in these three countries have led to a high demand for continuous learning, training and retraining of people who view further education as a stepping stone to occupational and educational advancement. Adult education is therefore not only a means of economic development, but also a factor that influences social development and contributes to the health and well-being of individuals.
In 2009, the second Global Report on Adult Learning and Education pointed out that only a few countries and regions had established overarching legal and policy frameworks that clearly defined responsibilities for planning, financing and implementing adult education. The report found that due to a lack of adult education policy frameworks, Central Asian countries were struggling with uncoordinated and fragmented provision of adult education.

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Singapore invests in lifelong learning to boost country’s economy

2 February 2016
The Government of Singapore will devote 20 million Singapore dollars to research on lifelong learning between 2016 and 2020. This investment, the government believes, will help provide a better understanding of how to best utilize its citizens’ skills, link performance to productivity, stimulate employment, and encourage innovation in learning technologies, andragogy and pedagogy. Singapore has already made a commitment to increase funding for continuing education and training from S$600 million per year in 2015 to S$1 billion per year in 2020. This increase comes at a time when Singapore is refocusing on lifelong learning as a means of developing skills through continuing education and training. It is hoped that this will encourage economic growth and increase the country’s competitiveness.

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