Centres for Third Age Education (CTAE) is a project which is supporting the development of human capital to promote social inclusion of older people in Azerbaijan, Russia and the Ukraine through formal and informal learning. The aim is to encourage older people to participate more fully in society.
The project has focused on the setting up of Centres for Third Age Education (CTAE) and the training of staff to work in these centres.
The project is funded through the TEMPUS programme of the European Union.
Read more here: https://www.dcu.ie/herc/news/2016/jul/centers-third-age-education-realit...
Rob Mark
Honorary Secretary, Universities Association for Lifelong Learning (UALL) UK - http://www.uall.ac.uk/
Editor, The Adult Learner Journal, The National Adult Learning Organisation (AONTAS) Ireland - http://www.aontas.com/pubsandlinks/theadultlearner.html
Honorary Research Fellow, School of Education , University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
Honorary Research Fellow, Higher Education Research Centre (HERC), Dublin City University
PASCAL Project Associate
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