Cedefop newsletter No 62 - July/August 2016


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Cedefop newsletter No 62 - July/August 2016

Main story: 


#CedefopPhotoAward and European vocational skills week – a winning combination!

An EU resident aged 18-30 in education and training? Then, you can win two fantastic trips: to Thessaloniki to visit Cedefop and join the opening weekend of the famous Thessaloniki International Film Festival (TIFF) in November, and to Brussels for the first European vocational skills week in December.


News from Cedefop: 


Skills Panomara: New analytical highlights on occupations

New occupational analytical highlights offer valuable insights on the trends for skills as well as analyses of the drivers of change for a total of 30 occupations.


Skills a priority for the Slovak EU Presidency

Human capital and skills development and recognition are among the priorities of the Slovak EU Presidency in the second half of 2016.


Recovering 70m low-skilled adults a top VET priority

At a high level meeting on the future of vocational education and training (VET) in Turin on 23 June, Undersecretary of Labour Luigi Bobba said that Italy has embarked on a process to bring the world of education closer to that of employment by promoting work-based learning and closer cooperation between school systems and labour market needs and economic growth.


Overcoming fear to reform, part of VET reform process

At a UNESCO/UNEVOC conference on the occasion of World Youth Skills Day, on 15 July, in Bonn, Cedefop Director James Calleja said that one of the key reasons vocational education and training (VET) is not attractive enough to young and older learners and workers is education and employment authorities’ fear to reform it and raise its profile.



Cedefop and ETF experts share knowledge in Turin

More than 20 Cedefop and European Training Foundation (ETF) experts took part in the first knowledge-sharing seminar of the two EU agencies in 2016, in Turin on 15 July.


New ReferNet partners given induction

ReferNet, Cedefop’s network of institutions providing information on vocational education and training (VET) in EU Member States plus Iceland and Norway, welcomed several new partners in July.



Briefing note - Professional development for VET teachers and trainers

Committed and competent teachers and trainers are crucial to ensuring the quality and labour market relevance of learning, both in VET schools/centres and in companies, and whether in classrooms, in workshops, in labs and simulated learning environments, or at the workplace.


Validation in the care and youth work sectors

This thematic report provides insights into how validation arrangements are linked to the labour market.



Funding validation

This thematic report presents an overview of funding sources for validation of non-formal and informal learning and discusses associated issues such as sustainability and accessibility.


Monitoring the use of validation of non-formal and informal learning

This thematic report provides an overview of validation monitoring of non-formal and informal learning across Europe.



Validation and open educational resources (OER)

This thematic report focuses on validation of learning acquired through open educational resources (OER), such as participation in massive open online courses.


Making learning work in Greece

Cooperation between employment and education authorities and Cedefop to equip Greek people with the skills needed to find and stay in employment was the topic of a seminar on 28 June in Thessaloniki.


Cedefop corporate video

Find out what Cedefop does in 2'20''! All you need to know about the first European Union decentralised agency's history, work, people and goals.


Promoting quality in learning delivery: the way ahead

15/09/2016 at 09:00 to 16/09/2016 at 17:00

Workshop, Thessaloniki, Greece

Cedefop involvement: Organiser

Upskilling, re-skilling and employing adult refugees

Cedefop and the OECD are co-organising a one day experts’ forum on the role of VET and VET-related measures to help adult refugees, including people in clear need of international protection, to quickly integrate in the labour market and on how countries have responded to the recent arrivals.

03/10/2016 at 08:30 to at 18:30

Event, Rome, Italy

Cedefop involvement: Co-organiser

2nd Policy Learning Forum on the definition and writing of learning outcomes for VET qualifications

13/10/2016 at 09:00 to 14/10/2016 at 17:00

Workshop, Thessaloniki, Greece

Cedefop involvement: Organiser

Skills, jobs and sustainable development: global trends, local challenges

This joint Cedefop-UNESCO global skills conference aims to discuss the implications of global economic trends and market forces for anticipated skill needs and mismatches, and the responses of education and training systems building on labour market intelligence.

20/10/2016 at 09:30 to 21/10/2016 at 17:30

Conference, Paris, France

Cedefop involvement: Co-organiser

ReferNet annual plenary meeting 2016

15/11/2016 at 09:00 to 16/11/2016 at 17:00

Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece

Cedefop involvement: Organiser

How to make learning visible?

Registration has opened! Click to register

28/11/2016 at 09:30 to 29/11/2016 at 16:00

Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece

Cedefop involvement: Organiser

European vocational skills week 2016

This first European vocational skills week will take place from 5 to 9 December 2016 with events in Brussels and parallel activities in Member States, EFTA and EU candidate countries at national, regional and local levels.

05/12/2016 at 09:00 to 09/12/2016 at 18:00

Event, Brussels and across Europe, Belgium

Cedefop involvement: Co-operator

Working with us: 

Procurement Documents - TCRs and flash TCRs on Apprenticeships

Reference: AO/DLE/TCRs and flash TCRs on Apprenticeships/008/16

Closing date: 06/09/2016

Initial VET qualifications at EQF levels 3 and 4

Reference: AO/DSI/SPEV/Qualifications_EQF_levels_3&4/011/16

Closing date: 08/09/2016

Provision of stakeholder feedback services for Cedefop’s performance measurement system

Reference: AO/DIR/GKO/Stakeholder_feedback_services_PMS/010/16

Closing date: 12/09/2016

Real-time Labour Market information on Skill Requirements: Setting up the EU system for online vacancy analysis

Reference: AO/DSL/VKVET-GRUSSO/Real–time LMI 2/009/16

Closing date: 19/09/2016

Stay connected to Cedefop via social media: 

News from the member states: 

Items submitted by ReferNet, Cedefop’s European network for VET


Published by Cedefop
Editorial responsibility: Department for Communication
News from Cedefop: Press Service
Agenda and European policy: Research support centre
Working with us: Human Resources and Procurement
Technical support: Web management service

Copyright © European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, 2016
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