The ALADIN Online Alert is a joint ALADIN initiative, produced bimonthly by the UIL Library and CDÉACF, with input from additional ALADIN members from all over the world. Its goal is to share recent online and full-text information and documents in the area of adult and lifelong learning.
To propose items for upcoming alerts, please contact the ALADIN coordinator Lisa Krolak. To view older ALADIN Online Alerts, please visit the ALADIN news site.
Source: Adult Learning Australia, Issue 3, 2016
Making Work-Based Learning Work / Charlotte Cahill
Source: Jobs for the Future, 08/24/2016
Networked Social Enterprises: A New Model of Community Schooling for Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Facing Challenging Times / Kirstin Kerr and Alan Dyson
Source: Education Sciences, 08/24/2016
Older Adolescent and Young Adult English Learners: A Study of Demographics, Policies, and Programs / Erin Velez, Suyapa Silvia, Michelle Tolbert
Source: Department of Education, USA, 08/28/2016
The Blue Book: Legislators Resource Book: Adult Education Services: The Success, the Impact and the Need
Source: NCSDAE, July 2016
Agenda 2030 - Education and Lifelong Learning in the Sustainable Development Goals / Heribert Hinzen / Sylvia Schmitt (Editors)
Source: DVV International, International Perspectives in Adult Education - IPE 75, 10/06/2016
Conceptions and realities of lifelong learning
Source: UIL, Background paper prepared for the 2016 Global Education Monitoring Report, 09/2016
Education 2030: Incheon Declaration and Framework for Action for the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Source: UNESCO, 2016
Latin America and the Caribbean
Memoria Social / Luz Maceira Ochoa (Editoria Invitada)
Source: CREFAL, Decisio, No. 43 - 44 (Enero - Agosto 2016)
Lang: SPA
Technical and Vocational Education
and Training
Action plan for the implementationn of the Strategy for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) (2016-2021)
Source: UNESCO, 08/08/2016
Determinants of Transfer of Training: A Comprehensive Literature Review / Cornelia Tonhäuser, Laura Büker
Source: International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training (IJRVET), vol. 3, no 2, 09/09/2016
Examining Barriers to Internationalisation created by diverse Systems and Structures in Vocational Education and Training / Angela Joy Shaw, Kieron John Shaw, Suzanne Blake
Source: International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training (IJRVET), vol. 3, no 2, 09/15/2016
Latin America and the Caribbean
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