Céreq News n°5, Fall 2016


Here is the latest issue of Céreq News: n°5, Fall 2016:


Céreq News, n° 4, Summer 2016
Newsletter   |   Céreq News, n° 5, fall 2016

Studying-or-working-abroad Studying-or-working-abroad

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Latest news

Joint Céreq/Bibb conference in Brussels

To raise the European Commission's awareness of the expertise of Céreq and BIBB (German Federal Institute for Vocational Training) in the field of training and employment and on their ability to work together as a European studies network, Céreq and its German counterpart will hold a conference in Brussels on 7 February 2017. The seminar will focus on "Transitions in VET and Work, the European Perspective".This day is also intended to stimulate debate on the recent European Commission initiative "A New Skill Agenda for Europe" by involving representatives of the European social partners and other actors.

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Impact of sustainable development on occupations and training programmes

groupe 500 large

Céreq has concluded a two-year cycle devoted to analysis of the links between training and employment in the light of changes in the energy sector and environmental considerations. This analysis has aimed to give context to the changes taking place in the world of work and to the links between changes in jobs and changes in education and training systems.

The last seminar, which took place in Marseille on 21 June 2016, was attended by Italian researchers from ISFOL (Institut pour le Développement de la formation professionnelle des travailleurs/Institute for the Development of Workers' Vocational Training, http://www.isfol.it/en), who presented a study on identifying environmentally innovative occupational profiles as well as their statistical surveys on the education-to-work transition of young people leaving environmental education/training programmes in Italy.

Céreq and ISFOL have been working together for many years on establishing a European network of research centres in the area of education, training and employment. Sustainable development is one of the areas of investigation intended to impart fresh momentum to this collaboration.

Women in management project

Céreq is taking part in the Woman in Management Project led by LEST on access to and pursuit of management occupations for women in the early stages of their careers. Four countries are involved in the study: France, the UK, Switzerland and Sweden. The aim is to identify what facilitates or, conversely, hinders access to and pursuit of management occupations. The comparative approach that will be adopted is intended to identify the levers that most favour equality at work between men and women in the various institutional and societal configurations. This project, coordinated by Vanessa di Paola at LEST, will run for 48 months.

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Digital (r)evolution and its effects on labour

As part of the 11th annual meeting of its network, which was held in Rovaniemi, Lapland, Finland, on 18 August, the European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring (EN RLMM) focused on innovative approaches to labour market monitoring in regions and localities across Europe. Aline Valette-Wursthen, executive officer at Céreq, gave a presentation on the effects of digitalisation on skills entitled: "Digitalisation of Jobs and Continuous VET in France: Preliminary Results of a New Survey".

RLMM groupe

NQF-IN project

Matteo Sgarzi and Josiane Paddeu attended the third meeting of the NQF-IN project held in Split, Croatia on 29 and 30 September 2016. The aim was to further the work on developing models for including non-formal VET qualifications in national qualifications frameworks. The participants at the Split meeting represented the project's partner institutions from Croatia, the Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Ireland, Scotland and Poland

Producing the country reports according to an agreed methodology furthers the main aim of the project, which is to support decision makers in EU member states as well as European institutions (European Commission, Cedefop, European Training Foundation) in developing policies to include qualifications attained outside of the school and higher education systems in NQFs.



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Tita project

Seminar in Marseille (Thursday/Friday, September 29-30, 2016)

All the partners involved in the TITA project ("Team cooperation to fight early school leaving: Training, Innovative, Tools and Actions") gathered in Marseille for two study days at the invitation of the Céreq team. Researchers, actors and representatives from the education systems in Slovenia, Spain, Luxembourg, Switzerland and France worked on the preliminary results of Céreq's international survey of collaborative practices in preventing early school leaving.The partners also worked on the implementation of the training platform "Tita platform", assessment of which by Céreq is about to begin.

Tita logo

staying on track

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fe134 cadre

The "Documentation française"
Formation Emploi, n°134, 2016, 136 p.
Only abstracts are in English, texts are in French.

This edition of Formation Emploi prompts us to re-examine certain categories and their boundaries. Thus early school-leaving, educational success or even success at work and the boundaries of education/training and of the work/not-work sphere are all categories that are examined successively by the authors.

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Quantity and quality of young employment in the evolving crisis

Céline Goffette, Josiane Vero
Net.Doc, n°161, 2016, 29 p.
Download the publication

This working paper provides a snapshot of labour market trends regarding the 15-29 year-old group across Europe in the first (2008-2010) and second period (2010-2013) of downturn, moving towards to a capability approach-inspired vision of employment.

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GreenSkills4VET Project

On 7 and 8 November, Matteo Sgarzi and Félicie Drouilleau, together with six other European partners, will meet in Germany for the first phase of the GreenSkills4VET project. The team will work on teaching materials for VET in the fields of transport/logistics and nursing and on OERs for use in vocational education for sustainable development.


Gender and Youth

Dominique Epiphane, Thomas Couppié, Vanessa di Paola et Arnaud Dupray took part in the 8th Youth & Societies in Europe and around the Mediterranean Meeting: "Gender and Youth" in Lyon (France).


Mission in Mozambique

Matteo Sgarzi and Chantal Labruyère are members of the first CIEP/CEREQ consultancy task force in Mozambique, where they work with the Corep Executive Secretariat on the design and implementation of a certification system for the national vocational qualification framework.


Training and apprenticeship

In the context of the European Semester initiative, three Cereq experts, Emmanuel Sulzer, Isabelle Marion and Alexandre Meliva were invited to participate in an exchange session on 7 October 2016 with European Commission officials on issues related to training and apprenticeship.


New port and maritime jobs

On 3 and 4 October, Gerard Podevin (CREM - Céreq's associated centre) attended the 5th International Human Sea - Marisk Symposium on economic challenges and new maritime risks management: what blue growth? He took part in a round-table debate on new port and maritime jobs.



Josiane Vero contributed to the annual conference of the Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA) held in Tokyo and hosted by Hitotsubashi University from 1 to 3 September 2016.

What else ?

->  Youth Inequality across Europe - Addressing the particpation of young people in employment, education and lived experience. (2016)

  © 2015 Céreq

If you like to know more about Céreq's international cooperation and research please contact Matteo Sgarzi
Céreq  |  10, place de la Joliette  |  CS 21321  |  13567 Marseille



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