Online Basic Skills for Adults: Similar initiatives to A request for information


For a Dutch organization I am conducting a kind of ‘market research’ on an online-based initiative to support people with low basic skills in improving their basic skills and their self-confidence in learning.

The initiative is around already for many years and consists of a series of exercises which people to conduct by self-study, or which can be used by intermediaries to support those people in blended /supported learning environments. The exercises are organized around solving practical issues which people with low basic skills levels are confronted with (related to topics such as health, food, finances, digital). The initiative is (see The exercises are free of charge.

The key question in this study is how they should position themselves in order to become more relevant for different potential stakeholders that could deal with people with low basic skills:

  • Libraries (already highly involved)
  • Municipalities (some are involved)
  • PES
  • Companies
  • Wellfare organisaties

My question to you is whether you know of any initiatives in your countries that are similar to Similarities can concern:

  • Method: use blended learning to reach out to target group;
  • Target group: people with low basic skills levels;
  • Type of learning: non-formal (not leading to formal qualification).

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,


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