The SCUTREA Council would like to make you aware that the deadline for abstract submissions to SCUTREA’s 2017 conference has been extended. The new deadline is 31st January 2017 at 5.00pm GMT.
As you know, this year’s conference is titled 'Adult Education for Inclusion and Diversity' and will be heldat the University of Edinburgh from 4-6 July. You will find full information, to include deadlines and how to submit an abstract, along with our conference poster featured below and attached. On Twitter we will be using the hashtag #SCUTREA2017 and you can also follow us @SCUTREA14.
As before please feel free to forward this call to anyone who may find it of interest.
In addition, the deadline for applying to SCUTREA’s funding scheme for events has also been extended to 31st January 2017. We provide funding for events such as seminars, one day events and mini-conferences. See the Events Funding section on the SCUTREA website for more details.
Kind regards
Head of Division of Postgraduate and International Studies
University of Huddersfield | Queensgate | Huddersfield | HD1 3DH
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