CLAYSS Digital - January 2018


We are pleased to present the January 2018 issue of the Digital Newsletter of CLAYSS, the Latin American Center for Service Learning:


January 2018



CLAYSS at the 2nd International Concausa Conference

The 2nd International Concausa Conference brought together 53 young people from 11 Latin American countries for an intense week of learning in leadership, teamwork and social commitment. The initiative promoted by América Solidaria, ECLAC and UNICEF concluded with formal presentations of 18 social projects promoting the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 to authorities of these organizations and the special presence of Chilean President Michelle Bachelet.
CLAYSS contributed to the Concausa by offering training in solidarity service - learning to the teachers and community leaders who accompanied the young people during those days, working throughout the week on strategies to accompany and promote the initiatives of the new generations of our continent.


CLAYSS in Colombia

Within the framework of the partnership that CLAYSS has been developing with the organizations participating in the National Programme of Education for Peace (EDUCAPAZ), Gabriela Malacrida and Sebastián Puglisi were in Bogotá offering an on-site workshop and evaluated the territorial and pedagogical managers of EDUCAPAZ, who in previous months conducted the virtual training course in Solidarity Service-Learning. They are the first trained managers who, as of next year, will be able to promote and accompany projects in rural institutions in the south of Tolima, one of the rural regions that was affected by the long conflict in Colombia.



Service-learning experiences at the Rural Education Colloquium

On December 1st, the Second Rural Education Colloquium of the Department of Soriano was held, organized by the Departmental Inspectorate of the Early and Primary Education Council. The Pedagogical Coordinator of CLAYSS Uruguay, Mg. Olga de las Heras, was specially invited to give a training on SL and its potentialities in rural areas. For its part, Altos del Perdido School 85 presented a SL project in which students work in reforestation of native flora in the area, providing workshops and information to neighbors as a way to preserve the tangible and intangible heritage. The Colloquium was attended by 60 participants, including the IEPC's National Director of Rural Education, the Departmental Inspector, three Zone Inspectors, the CAPDER Teacher and two Kindergarten Directors. The Department of Soriano has 62 rural schools, 52 of which are one-teacher schools.




A documentary film that looks at the "villa" (shantytown) from the inside

One of the projects supported by the "Aprendizaje-Servicio en las Artes" (Support Program for Solidarity Educational Institutions "Service-Learning in the Arts") is being carried out by students in the 3rd year of the Virgen Inmaculada del Barrio Ramón Carrillo Institute in the City of Buenos Aires. Students aim to address ways of communicating ideas and images related to the lives and practices of those who live there. Because social media constantly installs and deepens social stereotypes in relation to people who live in the neighborhoods called "emergency villages" and their way of being, living, working, studying and inhabiting (crime, drugs, unemployment, poverty) The students set out to show from an audiovisual point of view the other side of the neighborhood where the school and the educational community are located. Thus "El despertar" was born, a short film that was premiered in the framework of a Cultural Festival that took place between December 6 and 7 at the institution.
Fifty people were present among family members, friends, neighbors, night shift students of the adult plan. The projection had excellent effects and comments among those present. After the premiere there was a feedback from the students who expressed their impressions, commitment and joy for having been able to participate in the project. The students expressed the importance of being able to find their place in the project and take a role within the team by participating in production, filming with the camera, writing the script, costumes or logistics. The Cultural Festival included art workshops, murga, arts and science fair and a theater and rap show.
By 2018, they are planning a premiere with the entire neighborhood community at Independent Film Festival from Buenos Aires outskirts, to be held at UNTREF University. From CLAYSS we would like to congratulate the Institute and its students for such a wonderful project!




Expressions of interest open for CLAYSS 2018 online courses

Expressions of interest open until mid-February for CLAYSS online courses "Introduction to Service-Learning", "Development of service-learning projects" and "Service-Learning in higher education". They are intended to those who wish to explore Service-Learning pedagogy and projects.
CLAYSS is offering a limited amount of scholarships to participate in our online courses as one of the activities proposed to promote the expansion of Service-Learning in Central and Eastern Europe.
To register your interest, please write to [email protected] before February 14th and/or complete your form here. For more information visit


Trainings of the "Solidarity Service-Learning in the Arts" Program

Within the framework of the training actions of the Support Program for Solidarity Educational Institutions "Solidarity Service-Learning in the Arts", onsite training for institutions from all over the country was developed between August and November with the aim of building local capacity, developing a critical mass interested in the subject and facilitating their interaction and exchange towards our goal of promoting service-learning as a tool to innovate Artistic Education in educational environments.
In this first round of training, 858 managers, teachers, students, organizations, officials and other community actors from 15 institutions across the country were trained in this first round.


The Spanish Network celebrates its 10th anniversary

Last 1st December, the 10th ApS State Meeting was held in L' Hospitalet de Llobregat with the participation of more than 450 people: teachers, students, social entities, companies, technicians and politicians from public administrations. The meeting began with the institutional welcome given by the Mayoress of L' Hospitalet, Mrs. Nuria Marín Martinez, the Deputy Delegate for Education of the Provincial Council of Barcelona, Mr. Rafael Homer and the President of the Spanish Service Learning Network, Mrs. Roser Batlle. Immediately after, the Service-Learning Awards 2017 were handed over. The next event consisted of a Conference - Dialogue on "The City and Service Learning" by Mr. Jaume Graells, Councillor of Education of the City Council of L' Hospitalet; Mr. Angel Viveros, Mayor of the city of Coslada who shared a political-pedagogical dialogue and Mr. Angel Viveros, Mayor of the city of Coslada. Josep Maria Puig Rovira, professor at the University of Barcelona who made interesting reflections bringing to mind relevant figures in the history of civic engagement of students. At the end of this moment, the lunch-experiment "Eat and talk" took place, in which participants were distributed among 28 thematic tables with 14 topics of conversation to interact with other educators and talk informally and spontaneously about a topic of common interest. After lunch, the experience tables took place. Divided into two groups, Primary Education and Secondary Education and Vocational Training, protagonists explained their projects, the boys and girls who explained their points of view, experiences, their discoveries and how they have overcome difficulties. It was an intense space of exchange, motivating, warm and exciting, as the participants valued at the end of the day. For more information (in spanish) visit:


NYLC: important dates for the next conference in Minnesota

NYLC, National Youth Leadership Conference, a pioneering service-learning organization in the United States, announced some dates to consider for those who wish to participate in its upcoming 2018 Conference, “Justice in Action," which will take place March 11-13 in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Last deadline for submitting proposals to exhibit and share resources, teaching tools and programs: until February 9,2018.




Upcoming CLAYSS activities

  • 14 February: Opening of registration for Online Courses CLAYSS Montevideo, Uruguay. UCU from 10 am to 6 pm in the Aula Magna and Sala Bauzá, Av. 8 de Octubre, Montevideo.

Other activities:


Latin American Center for Service Learning
Nonprofit civil society (Resolution IGJ 001270/03)

LAYSS, Aprender sirve, servir enseña


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