Young rural women lead action research for educational change
Many women around the world face socio-economic and cultural challenges to improving their lives. To combat this, young rural women in India, Indonesia and the Philippines are taking part in an action research project developed by the Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE) and the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL). The project provides participants with the skills and competencies they need to inform educational reform in their communities. One example comes from India, where young women taking part in the project have developed the ‘Shodhini Charter of Demands’ to challenge the status quo in their communities. The charter appeals for access to safe and inclusive schools and colleges in neighbouring villages, livelihood training for girls, and zero tolerance to violence and harassment. Positive outcomes from piloting this youth-led action research approach has encouraged good practices in other countries, too. To mark International Women’s Day (IWD) 2018, facilitators and participants from the ASPBAE-UIL project have shared their messages with the world. Read more.
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GNLC meeting in the Arab States
‘Learning to live sustainably in cities: Implementing Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in learning cities’ was the theme of a regional conference held in Aswan, Egypt, from 5 to 7 March 2018. Around 50 participants, including city leaders and other stakeholders from the region as well as special guest Her Royal Highness Princess of Jordan and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Dana Firas, attended the event. Aswan, a member of the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities since 2017, has put ESD at the centre of its learning city initiatives. Localizing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ESD, and the learning city concept and its role in achieving the SDGs and ESD were the central topics at the event. This workshop was part of a series of events to promote ESD across all UNESCO regions.
The contribution of lifelong learning to development – personal and communal
The six articles contained in this year’s first issue of the International Review of Education – Journal of Lifelong Learning remind us that the forms, uses and values of education are as diverse as the human societies on Earth. Not only is there no one size to fit all; the shapes and sizes of learning that best fit each individual or society are themselves constantly changing. These articles offer us experiences and developments of literacy and learning in various educational contexts shaped by specific economic, political, geographical and ethnic conditions.
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Progress on improving national book policies in Africa
The former UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) scholar and current focal point for the ADEA Working Group on Books and Learning Materials for Anglophone countries, Ms Lily Nyariki, held a keynote presentation for the ADEA Triennale in Dakar, Senegal, in March 2017, drawing attention to the need for national book and reading policies in Africa. An action plan comprising innovative and effective mechanisms to provide local-language reading materials is needed, Mr Nyariki said, and should encompass production, acquisition, distribution, and the management and use of textbooks and other reading materials in local languages.
The Advancing Mobile Literacy Learning project
UNESCO and Microsoft have joined forces for the Advancing Mobile Literacy Learning (AMLL) project, which promotes the use of technology to enhance literacy skills. The project, launched in 2015 and implemented in selected communities in Bangladesh, Egypt, Ethiopia and Mexico, equips educators and education leaders with technology training to enable them to provide more flexible learning opportunities and address individual learners’ needs. The overall aim of the project is to reach those literacy learners whose needs were previously unaddressed.
Visit of Permanent German Delegation to UNESCO
Ms Gabriele Scheel, Deputy Permanent Delegate of Germany to UNESCO, also paid a visit to UIL in January 2018. The aim of the visit was to discuss the Institute's current work and explore options for future cooperation.
Bidding Farewell
UIL said farewell to Kabir Shaikh, who was the Institute’s interim director from September 2017 to January 2018. In a parting post on the UIL Blog, Mr Shaikh noted that it had been a ‘joy and honour’ to serve as director, highlighting the contribution of staff and governors. UIL thanks Mr Shaikh for the significant contribution he made during his time with us.
Visit of Mr Qian Tang
UIL received Mr Qian Tang shortly before he finished his term as UNESCO’s Assistant Director-General for Education. He came to Hamburg in January to meet UIL staff and discuss future directions for the work of both UNESCO and the Institute. His term of office ended in February.
UIL Gets a New Look
Refurbishment work is underway on the interior of the historic building which has been UIL’s home since 1978. The work is being carried out by the University of Hamburg, a partner of UIL and owner of the house, which was built in 1908–09 by shipping magnate and head of the Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfahrt-Actien-Gesellschaft (Hapag), Albert Ballin. The centenary of Ballin’s death will be marked in November.
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