CLAYSS Digital - July 2018


We are pleased to present the July 2018 issue of the Digital Newsletter of CLAYSS, the Latin American Center for Service Learning:

July 2018

The 21st International Service-Learning Conference will be held on 23 and 24 August 2018 at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Buenos Aires in the City of Buenos Aires.Our Conference has become the most important annual meeting in Latin America where students, teachers, researchers, officials and leaders of social organizations from all over Latin America and other parts of the world can meet and exchange experiences and knowledge, listen to leading international specialists and build networks for common work, for experts and institutions that promote Service-Learning as a pedagogical proposal. Participation is free of charge, with prior registration.
You can register at
The new tentative agenda is available on our website here.
More information here.


CLAYSS at the III Regional Conference on Higher Education (CRES-2018)

From 11 to 15 June, the III Regional Conference on Higher Education (CRES-2018) was held. It was in continuity with the conferences held in Havana, Cuba in 1996 and in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, in 2008.
The venue of this meeting was the National University of Cordoba and was held within the framework of the first centenary of the 1918 University Reform; a historic milestone for Latin American Universities.
The conference brought together rectors, directors, scholars, workers, students, networks, professional associations, research centres, trade unions, representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations, and friends of higher education in the continent.
CLAYSS was present with the participation of its Executive Director, Mr. Enrique Ochoa, who presented CLAYSS in one of the forums, and joined the various debates that took place to discuss criteria, formulate proposals and lines of action to consolidate higher education as a social good, human and universal right with the responsibility of the States.
The final declaration of the CRES is available in Spanish at


CLAYSS at the International Congress on University Social Responsibility

This was the first Congress held in Brazil on the subject and brought together representatives from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Portugal, Peru, the Dominican Republic and Venezuela. It was held in Taquara, Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil from 23 to 25 May 2018. It was organized by the Integrated Faculties of Taquara -FACCAT- and the Union of University Social Responsibility of Latin America URSULA.
Representing CLAYSS, Executive Director Enrique Ochoa participated as part of the "Managing Learning for Social Transformation" panel.


Solidarity architecture in the Chaco of Salta

The universities of Córdoba have a long tradition of carrying out solidarity educational practices. Within the framework of their thesis, students from the Faculty of Architecture of the National University of Córdoba built a Wichi-style house in 20 days in the Salta Chaco, but they respected the modality of the native people and added basic services to it. The students Tomás Gulle, Rodrigo Carnero Vidal and Ariel Álvarez Cueto, with the help of a small group of natives who advised them, assembled the pieces that they moved from Córdoba. This meant that between January and February 2018 they spent 20 days in the Las Llanas community, located in the municipality of Embarcación, Salta, on the edge of National Route 81, working in temperatures of up to 50 degrees Celsius. The house designed by the three young university students is a basic module, consisting of a room, a shady space for their daily activities and a fireplace, which is the kitchen. In addition, it has a separate module with toilet and storage. More information in the blog of the Chair of Socio Housing Problems of the Faculty of Architecture of the UCC (in spanish):


Online Training

During the first semester of the year, 96 educators took part in CLAYSS' online training. There are new promoters of Service-learning in Albania, Argentina, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Colombia, India, Mexico, Peru, Romania, Philippines, Slovakia and Slovenia. Registration will be open again on July 3rd. More information at


On-site Training in Chile

On May 30th in the city of Rancagua, Chile, Gerardo Bridi participated and presented the paper "Service-Learning: impacts of methodology on school education" at the Seminar "Service-Learning, a Methodology for Training in the 21st Century" organized by the Solidarity Team of the Congregation of the Marist Brothers in Chile for 200 participants including directors, teachers, students, community partners and authorities of the Congregation.
There was a presentation of the experiences from different levels of the school system and the state of progress of the process of institutionalization of Service Learning in Marist schools. Since 2012 they have worked on the dissemination of service-learning in the 12 schools of the Congregation. It was aimed at schools that are part of this community as well as various educational establishments in the O'Higgins Region (80 km. south of Santiago de Chile).
In addition, the event also featured another panel featuring José Tomas Montalva, who presented the challenges of the Chilean Service Learning Network.


On-site Training in Neuquén

On May 14 and 15, in Gral. Roca, Río Negro, the provincial meeting "Work Camp and Service Experiences" was held. Fifty-five people who work in different roles in Salesian institutions at the" Ceferino Namuncurá" Province of Southern Argentina attended. As a member of CLAYSS, Mr. Gerardo Bridi participated in the meeting, presenting the paper "A pedagogy of solidarity. The proposal of solidarity service learning.
More info (in Spanish) and photos:


Presentation of the Brazilian Service-Learning Network at the Bett Educar 2018 Fair

The 25th edition of Bett Educar, one of the world's leading events in education, brought news for the Brazilian education sector in Learning, Teaching Practices, Teacher Training and Management. Among the presentations, the workshop promoted by the Brazilian Service-Learning Network, "Curriculum in action: solidarity learning experiences", in which more than 100 people participated.
Founding members such as CENPEC (executive coordination of the Network), OEI - Brazil, Katia Gonçalves Mori, Movimento Futuro and the Instituto Singularidades participated. In addition, three solidarity learning experiences were presented by the student protagonists, and we congratulate the Network for this great step forward! More information:


Community Service: Contributions to University Social Responsibility

In the framework of the XI Congress on Research and Intellectual Creation at the Universidad Metropolitana Caracas, Venezuela; and for the 12 years since the enactment of the Law on Community Service of Higher Education Students, on Thursday, May 24, a Round Table was held to contribute to the theoretical and practical foundation through the exchange of experiences among professors of National and International Universities and to learn about the perception of strategic allies in terms of the learning obtained and the social value. The meeting had the special participation of Prof. María Nieves Tapia, Director of CLAYSS, with her presentation "Significant changes in service-learning in Latin America", which allowed to show an Ibero-American perspective of service-learning.



MacJannet Global Citizenship Award Winners

Again this year, nominations were received from Talloires Network member Universities around the world. The 2018 prize winners are:
The Mahabba Association, Ahfad University for Women, Sudan is our first place winner. Founded by two students, Mahabba supports Sudanese women who have been imprisoned for going into debt to provide for their families. Imprisoned women create hand crafts that students sell on campus and online, enabling the women to send money to their families, pay their debts, and return to their families and communities as entrepreneurs.
The Alas de Mujer (Women’s Wings), Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico is our second place winner. Tec students provide women in rural communities with seed capital to start businesses as well as training in entrepreneurship. Students, with support from faculty, work hand-in-hand with women and their families to start and run local businesses.
This year’s third place winner is Protection of the Environment through Income Generation, Livingstone International University, Uganda. The program’s mission is to address environmental problems by way of social entrepreneurship. For example, students have designed, built and sold energy saving stoves to alleviate the problems of unemployment, deforestation, and landslides in Eastern Ugandan villages.
Programa de Intervención Comunitaria, Universidad de las Américas, Chile, received honorable mention for designing and implementing a multi-year, multi-disciplinary program for the co-generation of knowledge with surrounding communities.

CLAYSS upcoming activities
Otras actividades
  • 18-20 July: IARSLCE Conference 2018, JW Marriott, New Orleans, Los Angeles, USA.
  • 29 to 31 October: 3rd URSULA Forum on University Social Responsibility: "Public Policies and Social Innovation", University Centre for Health Sciences (CUCS), University of Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Information and registration:
  • 2019:
    10-13 April: 30th 30th Annual National Service Learning Conference NYLC,
    Washington D.C., USA.

Service-Learning in the Arts handbook

Among our outstanding publications is the manual on Service-Learning in the Arts aimed at teachers of all levels of educational institutions of specific or common artistic education, who develop solidarity projects where some artistic discipline is the protagonist. You can download the book in spanish for free at:


Service-Learning in Central and Eastern Europe Handbook

It is with great joy that we share our first publication specifically for Central and Eastern Europe, the Service-Learning in Central and Eastern Europe Handbook for Engaged Teachers and Students. This publication is the result of a joint effort between CLAYSS and three other organizations in the region: MIOS with Edina Malkic, Matej Bel University with PhD. Brozmanova Gregorova Alzbeta and New Horizons with Dana Bates.
To achieve this production, CLAYSS adapted its content to the context of the region. Concepts such as solidarity and community, as well as ways of presenting the contents were adapted to regional needs, based on suggestions from partners. Some regional materials on service learning were incorporated into this adaptation.
The English version was made available to members of the Regional Network, who will be able to make progress in translating it into local languages. To access the publication click here.


CLAYSS Uruguay Headquarters Service-Learning Promotion Program

Entre nuestras publicaciones destacadas se encuentra el manual sobre aprendizaje-servicio solidario en las artes dirigido a docentes de todos los niveles de instituciones educativas de educación artística específica o común, que desarrollen proyectos solidarios donde alguna disciplina artística es protagonista. Pueden descargar el libro en forma gratuita en:


Service-Learning Article on The Learning Teacher Magazine

The Learning Teacher magazine is a magazine for teachers published in english by a joint team of European education specialists. In the last issue there is a space for service-learning and there is an article written by Luz Mariela Avruj about the program that CLAYSS is carrying out in CEE.

Latin American Center for Service Learning
Nonprofit civil society (Resolution IGJ 001270/03)
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